Theological Journals, Part 3: 10/9/2022
Standard Bearer (September 15,2022): in “Reporting Sexual Abuse: If Not Matthew 18, Then What?,” Prof. Gritters picks up where he left off in the last edition. At this point, he’s outlining principles of approach for “reporting.” Last time, he was at pains to show that the victim should not be forced to confront the abuser, but should have help, protection and assistance. The context is not consenting adults, but an adult with a minor that is in view.
Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “Suicide and the Thief in John 10.10,” Dr. James Wisland continues to expound Jesus as the Good Shepherd (predicated on Ezekiel) and that the Pharisees are not good shepherds, but are hireling who steal, rob, and kill. No mincing of words there.
Bibliotheca Sacra (April-June 2021): in “Anti-Semitism in the New Testament: New Scrutiny of a Chronic Notion,” Dr. David Mash proposes that the internal testimony of the NT is Jesus v. Pharisees/religious leaders not Jesus v. the Jewish population.
Modern Reformation (Sept/Oct 2022): “Science, Religion and the Nineteenth-Century Protestantism, Dr. James Ungureanu claims that the “conflict thesis” (science v. religion or theology) was begin “between” conflicting theological traditions, an insider-job as it were. The secularists, he believes, glommed onto the theologians in conflict.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Sign or Seal: Baptism in the Christian Reformed Church,” Dr. Ryan Faber notes that the CRC was founded in 1857 as a break-away from the RCA, desiring things to be like they were when they left the Netherlands including the Confessions and Netherlands’ Liturgy which includes “presumptive regeneration” and an internalists’ view of baptism.
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “The Voice of One Crying: John Chrysostom the Preacher,” Dr. Gordon McMillan
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in “The Tragedy of American Political Tradition,” Nick Burns deals with the narrative war in/over US history. The 1776 narrative or the 1619 narrative?
Global Anglican (Summer 2022): “Obedience and Submission in 1 Peter,” Dr. Lionel Windsor of Moore College begins by discussing the difficulty of the concepts—obey and submit—in the 21st century in view of colonialism and patriarchy. He examines the lexical and semantic stretch and applications of the Petrine words.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 1: “Chapter 4: The Bible and Modern Criticism, Professor F. Bettex of Stuttgart cites Von Harnack’s utter contempt for Jesus’s miracles, the Epistle of Paul to the Romans and John’s Revelation. Prof. Bettex puts Von Harnack on full display as an exhibit of the great subtractors such as Rev. 22.18-19. Axe-men and hatcheteers.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 2:” in “Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent and Proof,” Dr. James Gray (Moody Bible Institute and ordained minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church) calls on the decadent critics—higher critics—to deal with all the previous evidence for verbal inspiration previously exhibited
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