Theological Journals, Part 1: 10/6/2022

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): in “Societally Derived or Studiously Prosecuted? God, Revelation, Education and David Payne:” Dr. Christopher Sarver comments on May’s “The Negro’s God,” which alleges that the doctrine of God amongst African Americans was shaped by their social context. Thank you University of Chicago Divinity School for that version of revisionism and “presentism.” More work is needed here. Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): in “An Anglican Ethic for a COVID-19 Pandemic,” Dr. Christopher Jones is wasting the readers’ time. Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): “Editors Introduction:” this edition is dedicated to historical retrieval on Archbishop Tutu. We hear further of Tutu’s theological education, but not very much. Why neglect commentary on the content of his studies? Trinity Journal (TEDS, Spring 2022): in “Biography and Historical Reliability in the Gospel of John,” Dr. Te-Li Lau, NT Prof. at TEDS, discusses the two Temple cleansings by Jesus of the Temple in John’s Gospel. Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in “Black Radicalism in the Episcopal Church: Absalom Jones and Slave Resistance, 1746-1818), Dr. D.A. Dunkley describes the significant influences of Jones’ wife, Mary. Table Talk (September 2022): “Exodus 22:” discusses the 9th commandment at the individual, legal and corporate levels. Table Talk (Oct 2022): “Lost Virtues: Patience:” Rev. Jones notes that firm reliance on God’s providence and ultimate victory brings peace, confidence and patience when under duress. Standard Bearer (September 1, 2022): Standard Bearer (September 1, 2022): in “Pertaining to the churches in common—Sister-state churches: British Reformed Fellowship Conference:” Rev. Angus Stewart gives particular details on the BRF—refreshing to see the Reformed faith operative in Ireland. Standard Bearer (September 15,2022): in in “Motivated by God’s Covenant to Evangelize,” Rev. Holstege shows the grand beauty of covenant life—hope, light, confidence, and joy that cannot help but press outward in missions and evangelism. Let your light shine. Don’t hide the lamp under the bushel. Standard Bearer (October 1, 2022): in “Our Shepherd Provision of Rest,” Rev. DeVries offers a beautiful commentary on the Shepherd. Warrantable and recommended. Plain talk. Nourishing. Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “Suicide and the Thief in John 10.10,” Dr. James Wisland argues that Satan is not the thief, but that the Pharisees as false shepherds are thieves. Bibliotheca Sacra (April-June 2021): in “Creeds, Canons, Councils and the Contests of Tradition,” Dr. Douglas Sweeney, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, comments on the history of iconodulatry and iconoclasm in 8th century Byzantinism.


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