Theological Journals, Part 3: 10/28/2022
Modern Reformation (Sept/Oct 2022): BOOK REVEW: William Lane Craig’s “Quest for the Historical Adam:” Dr. Hojim Abn outlines the wholesale capitulation by Craig to paleontology. To be continued.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Sign or Seal: Baptism in the Christian Reformed Church,” Dr. Ryan Faber outlines the changes to the liturgy of baptism which includes signing of the cross if desired.
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in a “Balanced Ministry,” Dr. Bill Boekestein notes that sometimes a Pastor is over-stretched by being with people too much and without balance. He recommends short phone calls or brief written notes as one strategy for relief.
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in in “The Evangelical Question,” Kirsten Sanders discusses Evangelicalism A and Evangelicalism B, the latter taking up political motifs in the 1990s. Kirsten thinks that the author of “Jesus and John Wayne,” an historian from Calvin University is herself a product of secularization. We’ll see where this goes.
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