Theological Journals, Part 2: 10/24/2022
Anglican Journal (Oct 2022): “Bishop Tight-Lipped on Lambeth Conference:” discusses the back-and-forth and underground drafts trying to protect Lambeth 1998’s 1.10 resolution. It was leaked before Lambeth 2022 and there was turmoil.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): in “Societally Derived or Studiously Prosecuted? God, Revelation, Education and David Payne:” Dr. Christopher Sarver shows with success that Bishop Payne (AME) was a Bible man and leader emphasizing theological education in a group that was anti-intellectual.
Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): in “An Anglican Ethic for a COVID-19 Pandemic,” Dr. Christopher Jones continues his sleeper. Need a sleep aid? Read this article.
Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): “`Love is our Lord’s Meaning:’ Spiritual Formation in Julian of Norwich and Desmond Tutu,” Frank England proposes a connection of the mystic and Tutu.,
Trinity Journal (TEDS, Spring 2022): in “The De-Creation of Genesis 1 in the Trumpets of Revelation 8-9,” Dr. Craig Robinson is still baffle-gabbing with his hypothesis. Very creative and inventive, but unconvincing. Highly so.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in “Huguenot Anglican in Seventeenth Century Virginia,” Rev. Lonnie Lee explores the emigration patterns of 150K-200K emigrants fleeing Louis XIV and the Franco-Spanish Inquisition. Many go to England, NYC, New England, Charleston as well as VA.
Table Talk (September 2022): “Exodus 24:” the covenant is ratified by Moses sprinkling blood on the priests, elders and people.
Table Talk (Oct 2022): in “Exodus 26:” describes the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, emphasizing the holiness and sacredness of that space.
Table Talk (Nov 2022): in “Do We Have the Right Books of the Bible,” Dr. Mike Kruger discusses Clement of Alexandria on the internal testimony of God to His own Word. Many in church history have expatiated on this including Calvin. The dead won’t hear (who are more than tone deaf but are deaf) but the elect will.
Standard Bearer (October 1, 2022): in “What is Gender Dysphoria and its Common Expressions,” Prof. Greiss comments on the “subjectivity” of feelings negating bodily realities.
Standard Bearer (Oct 15. 2022): in “Putting our Trust in the LORD: Proverbs 28.3:” Rev. Slopsema discusses pride, peacemaking and trust in the LORD.
Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “Table Briefing: Escaping the Prosperity Gospel and Recovering the Real Gospel,” Darrell Bock and Mike Del Rosario continue to expound on the “blab it and grab” and the “name it and claim it” theology of Benny Hinn.
Bibliotheca Sacra (April-June 2021): in “Anti-Semitism in the New Testament: New Scrutiny of a Chronic Notion,” Dr. David Mash continues to advocate that, largely, the term “the Jews” is often connected in context to the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees or other opponents of Jesus. He’s sustaining the point.
Modern Reformation (Sept/Oct 2022): BOOK REVEW: “Reformed Theology and Evolutionary Theory” by Dijsbert van der Brink: Joshua Shendel begins describe inner conflicts in the scientific theory, but not as a crisis for evolutionists.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Sign or Seal: Baptism in the Christian Reformed Church,” Dr. Ryan Faber continues to disentangle the internal CRC debates about baptism as a sign or sign and seal?
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in a “Balanced Ministry,” Dr. Bill Boekestein advocates for creativity, balance, staying focused and learning to say “No” from time to time. Why advance a millimeter on 100 fronts?
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in in “The Evangelical Question,” Kirsten Sanders describes a 3-phase development of evangelicalism, starting with the Great Awakening and leading to the Moody Bible Institute. More to follow.
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