Theological Journals, Part 5: 9/27/2022
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (January 1837). The Editors review “Melancthon’s Letters:” by 1520, Melancthon has turned from profane or classical authors to the exposition of Scripture.
William Whittaker’s “Disputation on Holy Scripture:” Dr. Whittaker continues to note to Sir William Cecil that ingenuity of Bellarmine on 1 Cor. 14, the vernacular Bible and his witty but disastrous defenses of Roman claims, making them the worse for it than had Bellarmine not answered the mail. Dr. Whittaker appreciates the ingenuity and learnedness, but he has this “sow by the ear,” to use a Henrician phrase.
John Jewel’s “Apology for the Church of England:” the Preface to this volume continues apace to outline Rome’s absolute demand of allegiance and subjection to them. Even the heretics and schismatics still belong to Roman jurisdiction, are anathematized and dispatched to hell. No nice guy, chatty ecumenism with Pius 3 or Paul 4. Nope.
ANF1—“Apostolic Fathers and Justin Martyr:” the outline to 1 Clement is finished and the Letter to Diognetus is outlined.
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