Theological Journals, Part 2: 9/22/2022

Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “Suicide and the Thief in John 10.10,” Dr. James Wisland gives his structural overview of John’s Gospel (that also precludes identification of suicide with 10.10).

Modern Reformation (July/Aug 2022): in “The Role of Creeds and Confessions in the Church,” Dr. Guy Richard wraps it up: unity, peace and purity, stability and permanence are the elements to Confessional Churchmanship.

Modern Reformation (Sept/Oct 2022): in “The Importance of Being Written: Scribes at the Westminster Assembly,” Dr. Jachary Purvis gives stunning accounts of scribes officially and unofficially taking notes during the discussions in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster Abbey. He also alludes to Dr. Van Dixhorn’s 5-volume magnum on the WCF.

Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): “Theological Interpretation in Nigeran Prosperity Preachers:” Dr. Samuel Okanlewon disentangles 3 Jn 2 from the clutches of prosperity hustlers.

Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “Should Effectual Calling and Regeneration be Distinguished,” Dr. Cornelius Venema puts Van Hoozer and Horton to the side and will take up the traditional, Reformed distinctions used in the discussion.

Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in “An Usable Past for a Post-American Nation,” Dr. Johann Neem reviews the 1619 Project of colonialism. “Freedom for me but not for thee” (Jefferson and others as plantation owners.


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