Theological Journals, Part 1: 9/28/2022
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): in “Socially Derived or Studiously Prosecuted?”, Dr. Christopher Starver introduces Biblical theology in the black community and how black conceptions influenced their perspectives. ??.
Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): in “’As if possessing but one mouth’: How Irenaeus Christianizes Classical Harmonia,” Dr. Jack Franicevich argues that Irenaeus speaks of the “one voice of the church” versus the discordancies and deviations of heretics.
Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): “Editors Introduction:” this edition is dedicated to historical retrieval on Archbishop Tutu. The conflicts and protests of the 1980s are recalled, including some white Dutchmen joining the cause of racial reconciliation and justice.
Trinity Journal (TEDS, Spring 2022): in “Biography and Historical Reliability in the Gospel of John,” Dr. Te-Li Lau, NT Prof. at TEDS, discusses John as “biography” as the genre in comparison to Plutarch’s Lives.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in “Black Radicalism in the Episcopal Church: Absalom Jones and Slave Resistance, 1746-1818), Dr. D.A. Dunkley outlines Jones’s manumission and that he lives through General Cornwallis’s occupation with 15000 Royalist troops in Philadelphia in 1778. We ask, did he worship at Christ Church or St. Peter’s, Anglican Churches before they became American Episcopalian churches?
Historiography (Summer 2022): Janelle Legg is awarding the Pritchard Prize for her doctoral work on “signing” for the deaf in Episcopal churches. (Never have seen such ever. ??.)
Table Talk (September 2022): Exodus 22: a discussion of property crimes and restitution of the injured or lost property.
Table Talk (Oct 2022): “Charity:” Dr. Mark Kelderman, Dean of Puritan Reformed Seminary,” makes an introduction to the same by way of the Gospel of love, known, felt and experienced that outflows to others.
Standard Bearer (September 1, 2022): in “The Belgic Confession and Missions (1),” Rev. Kleyn engages the allegation that the Reformed do not engage in missions and evangelism.
Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “Suicide and the Thief in John 10.10,” Dr. James Wisland comments on the blind man in John 9 and the Pharsaic reaction.
Bibliotheca Sacra (April-June 2021): in “Creeds, Canons, Councils and the Contests of Tradition,” Dr. Douglas Sweeney, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, comments on the NT canon in response to Marcion.
Modern Reformation (Sept/Oct 2022): “Science, Religion and the Nineteenth-Century Protestantism, Dr. James Ungureanu comments on the history of rationalism in the 17th century and with the Latitudinarians.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): “Theological Interpretation in Nigeran Prosperity Preachers:” Dr. Samuel Okanlewon is repeating himself (again). Let’s bring this to a close.
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “Should Effectual Calling and Regeneration be Distinguished,” Dr. Cornelius Venema discusses extraordinary circumstances of regeneration apart from the Word and sacraments—elect infants dying in infancy and the mentally handicapped.
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in “Vladimir and Volodymyr,” Dr. Martha Bayles begins by discussing Putin’s vision of Russia, Ukraine and Belarius going back to 988 AD.
Global Anglican (Summer 2022): “Obedience and Submission in 1 Peter,” Dr. Lionel Windsor of Moore College begins by discussing the difficulty of the concepts in the 21st century in view of colonialism and patriarchy.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 2:” in “Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent and Proof,” Dr. James Gray (Moody Bible Institute and ordained minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church) comments on God putting His own words in the mouths of His chosen vessels. Don’t subtract or add to them is the divine command.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 3: “Chapter 2: Paul’s Testimony to the Doctrine of Sin,” Professor Charles B. Williams (Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Fort Worth, TX): the Professor comments further on Romans 5.12-21.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 4:” in “Modern Philosophy,” Attorney-at-Law, Philip Mauro claims that “monism” and “pluralism” are the pantheistic themes informing the academy. Or, Baal worship.
“Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses Athanasius and his writings. What was this triumphant theology? “It is probably best captured by focusing our attention on Athanasius’s main works: Against the Heathen, On the Incarnation, Against the Arians, and Life of Antony.”
Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2007): “Theory and Metaphor in Calvin’s Doctrine of the Atonement,” Darren Sumner very fairly and carefully notes Calvin’s view of the atonement as penal, substitutionary, and juridical. Send the memo to Tom Wright.
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