Theological Journals, Part 2: 9/11/2022

Table Talk (August 2022): Misunderstood Biblical Words: in “Breaking our Addiction to Gossip,” Rev. Sartelle suggests strategies for dealing with gossip and instances where truth-telling is warranted. Table Talk (September 2022): “The Doctrine of Man as Covenant Breaker and Restored Image Bearer,” Dr. Rowland Ward finishes up talking about regeneration in the basic Reformed senses. Table Talk (Oct 2022): “Lost Virtue: Chastity:” Susan Bennet notes how this virtue has been lost, yet, it is protective, nurturing and in keeping with the 7th and 10th commandment. Standard Bearer: (July 2022): in “Have You Considered the Ministry,” Rev. Barnhill asks the question, noting how some parents are loathe to raise the subject, especially in light of the acrimony in the recent schism in the PRC. Standard Bearer (August 2022): in “Elders’ Work,” Prof. Kuiper comments on oversight, shepherding and teaching. In this section, he’s working with “shepherding” vis a vis 1 Peter 5, to “feed the sheep.” Standard Bearer (September 2022): in “CRC Synod Report on Human Sexuality.” Rev. Decker helpfully comments on the CRC’s Synodical decision to uphold the classical view of the 7th commandment in the HC. This will and has affected 40ish churches and Calvin University. Nonetheless, confessional commitments were overwhelmingly sustained. Now, for discipline. Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “A Chronology of the Life of Christ with Emphasis on the Nativity and Epiphany,” Kurt Simmons, J.D., puts the last week of Jesus in late March-early April 33 AD. 33 AD is the dating on this view. Modern Reformation (July/Aug 2022): in “The Role of Creeds and Confessions in the Church,” Dr. Guy Richard notes the diversity of allowed views within the WCF, restrained language in chapter 3 on the decree, what B.B. Warfield called the fundamental “implicate” of “consistent and common theism.” Hear! Hear!


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