Theological Journals, Part 3: 9/3/2022
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “Should Effectual Calling and Regeneration be Distinguished,” Dr. Cornelius Venema has beaten this subject to death with a lot of repetition. Let’s move along, Prof. Oh no! Another 15 pages?
Global Anglican (Summer 2022): “LLF and Lambeth 2022:” Rev. Keith Sinclair says decisions must be made about the CoE on marriage and Biblical, sexual ethics. More than a mere “we must agree to disagree” mantra.
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in “Abuses and Uses of History: Nietzsche’s Quarrel with History,” Dr. Jennifer Ratner-Rosenbagen (Un. of Wisconsin-Madison) notes a deep, historical ignorance amongst Americans.
DTS (Summer 2022): “Interview with Dr. Scott Horells:” a tribute is offered for/to Dr., Horells upon his retirement from DTS after 25 years of service. The students were impressed.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 1:” in “The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch,” Professor George Frederick Wright, DD, LLD, buries the Graf-Cultists with archaeology and the ANE passion for recording and writing. Ancient FB-scribes. Oh no! Graffies have been buried (again).
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 2:” in “Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent and Proof,” Dr. James Gray (Moody Bible Institute and ordained minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church) continues the exposition of God’s superintendence of His Canon, dealing with the usual objections, e.g., it’s dictation and violates man’s free agency!
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 3: “The Biblical Conception of Sin,” the Rev. Dr. Thomas Whitelaw of Kilmarnock, Scotland continues the explication on sin—capably, clearly and leaving no doubt as to the Biblical idea.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 4:” in “Modern Philosophy,” Attorney-at-Law, Philip Mauro begins his discussion of atheist and theistic philosophies.
“Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses the recently discovered (1907) work, Demonstration of the Faith, written after Against Heresies, in which Irenaeus boils heresies down to Trinitarian attacks.
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