Theological Journals
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Permaculture for Ecotheology: An Innovative Experiment,” Troy Bierma is trading in bromides and truisms leading, thus far, nowhere.
Westminster Magazine (Spring 2022): in “Ministry of the Word Today,” a commencement address at WTS, Dr. James Innes Packer sounds alarmed in 1964 about teaching and preaching. But, that’s the young Packer (versus the old Packer, a compromiser).
Modern Reformation (Jan/Feb 22), in “Rethinking How We Think about the Evangelical Mind and the Local Church,” Dr. Charles Cotherman discusses study centers as parachurch groups. He mentions two that are connected to local churches. Never heard of them before. The larger point is “thinking” in a “Christianly way.”
Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 317-36): in “William Perkin’s Doctrines of Faith and Assurance Through the Lens of Modern Faculty Psychology,” Matthew Payne is still talking about the faculties of the soul and which has primacy, if it has that. Mind, will or feelings?
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021, 7-34): in “Still No Peeking: Karl Barth’s Conflict with Federal Theology,” Dr. Beach is getting us nowhere other than to tell us Barth dislikes the covenant of works. Yeah, so?
Anglican & Episcopal History (Sept 2014): Church Review: a description is given of the service at All Saints, Albany, from the choristers in the narthex, to processional, to the service’s end.
Churchman (Winter 2018): Book Review: Daniel Bock’s “Mark (New Cambridge Bible Commentary): the reviewer, Mr. Mody, comments favorably on the volume along several lines, but recommends Lane, Edwards, Stein and Strauss as well.
Global Anglican (Spring 2022), in “Preparing People for the Hardest Job of All,” Dr. Peter Jensen commented on the difficulties noted in the GAFCON meeting about theological education. Many and varied, yet, high standards in theological education are necessary, knowing the faith but also the environment with competing theologies and worldviews.
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): Book Review: A Rebuttal of Common Grace and the Well-Meant Offer, by Sonny L. Hernandez. Lexington, KY: Trinity Gospel Church, 2021. Pp. 167. $12.00 (hardcover). ISBN-13: 979-8510179583. [Reviewed by David J. Engelsma].
Prof. Englesma traces Packer’s history lesson, but notes that Packer is in the apostate CoE and should have withdrawn. Some tough words for Packer.
Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2020), in “We Still Have Faces,” Dr. Glodo is discussing what it means for “God’s face” to shine upon us.
Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “Reading the Torah as the Law of Faith,” Dr. Craig Keener hasn’t advanced much beyond his earlier points, leaving us wondering where this is going.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). James Waddel Archibald reviews “A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Translated from the Latin of William Gesenius, Doct. and Prof. of Theology in the University of Halle-Wittemberg. By Edward Robinson, D. D. late Prof. of Sae. Lit. in the Theol. Sem. Andover. Boston. 1836. pp. 1082. & vo. Prof. Alexander repudiates the English translation since he believes that Latin editions (of Hebrew and Greek works) should be consulted. He blasts the assault on learning Latin in the public market square of America.
Concordia Theological Journal (Winter 2020), in in “טומ Means ‘Collapse,’ Not ‘Be Shaken,” Dr. Paul Puffe is still arguing with texts such as the title suggests.
Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2019), ), in “An Oppressed People in a Groaning Creation: Toward an Eco-Public Theology of Undocumented Farmworkers,” PTS student, Emily Wilkes, is giving a history lesson on immigration at the southern border.
Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Navigating Empathy,” Jonathan Worthington is still talking about empathy for therapists including forgiveness.
Talk Talk (April 2022), in “How Does God Administer the Covenant of Grace,” Dr. Ryan McGraw discusses the covenant of grace in terms already outlined for us in the Larger Catechism. Very basic.
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