Theological Journals
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Permaculture for Ecotheology: An Innovative Experiment,” Troy Bierma is chatting up virtue and wisdom in relation to the environment. Troy is a PhD student at the Free University of Amsterdam.
Westminster Magazine (Spring 2022): in “Ministry of the Word Today,” a 1964 commencement address at WTS, the younger Dr. James Innes Packer discusses the hermeneutics of the Bible and preaching.
Modern Reformation (Jan/Feb 22), in “Rethinking How We Think about the Evangelical Mind and the Local Church,” Dr. Charles Cotherman discusses parachurch ministries in the larger trajectory of “evangelicalism.”
Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 317-36): in “William Perkin’s Doctrines of Faith and Assurance Through the Lens of Modern Faculty Psychology,” Matthew Payne has put together a series of writers who have conflicts on which faculty of the mind/soul that Perkins used.
Anglican & Episcopal History (Sept 2014): Church Review: the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany, NY is reviewed including the history up to and including the loss of an orthodox Bishop to CANA,
Global Anglican (Spring 2022), in “Preparing People for the Hardest Job of All,” Dr. Peter Jensen comments on his work as the GAFCON leader summoning theological Principals to a gathering to discuss theological education. Dioceses and churches rise no higher than their educational levels he argues.
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): Book Review: The Heritage of Anglican Theology, by J. I. Packer. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2021. Pp. 372. $39. 99 (hardcover). ISBN-13: 978-1433560118. Reviewed by David J. Engelsma comments on the history, theology and appalling apostasy of the Anglican Church.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). James Waddel Archibald reviews Paul Henry’s “The Life of John Calvin, the Great Reformer” (Vol. 1, 1835). Rev. Archibald concludes the review. Very, very nicely done Rev. Alexander.
Concordia Theological Journal (Winter 2020), in “טומ Means ‘Collapse,’ Not ‘Be Shaken,” Dr. Paul Puffe is giving esoterica and defining טומ as “collapse.”
Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2019), ), in “An Oppressed People in a Groaning Creation: Toward an Eco-Public Theology of Undocumented Farmworkers,” PTS student, Emi Wilkes is babbling about rhetoric as a tool of power in media. (Or, in seminary or in an article like she’s writing…we’re not fans of PTS.)
Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Navigating Empathy,” Jonathan Worthington helpfully talks about empathy and sympathy in medical contexts, helping the patient psychologically while facing the pain or issue at hand.
Talk Talk (April 2022), in “How Does God Administer the Covenant of Grace,” Dr. Ryan McGraw gives an outline and beginning from the WLC on the unifying covenant of grace.
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