Evening Prayer (Part 2)

EDT: Interpretation of the Bible: Prof. F. F. Bruce comments on the “structuralist hermeneutic” that has little interest in authorial intent, exegesis and grammar.

For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge handles Schleiermacher, a variant of the Deists and Half-Deists, boiling down to the same premises regarding verbal, plenary inspiration, miracles and divine providence.

For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Reymond states Calvin’s views of the Trinity and the Nicene Creed.

For Eschatology (locus 7), Prof. Berkhof disposes of annihilationists and psychopanychians.

ODCC: Cyprian (d. 258 AD): gives a description of 6 writings of Cyprian, more practical than theological. His work on the episcopate is of interest to the authoritarians.

For Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 1 (1-100) Prof. Schaff discusses the “brother theory,” to wit, that Mary and Joseph had other children. But, this won’t pass muster with the corrupted theorists who are anti-marriage, e.g. Augustine who erred along with Jerome and others.

For Medieval Christianity, Vol. 4 (590-1073), Prof. Schaff describes more fruitless, brutal and corrupt Popes in the 11th century. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” So very apostolic.

For the Swiss Reformation Vol. 8 (1519-1605), Prof. Schaff describes the staff of the Strassburg University in the late 1530s.

For Dr. Cranmer, Prof. MacCulloch tells the story of the structuring and emergence of Cromwell as the Vice-gerent, hastened by the obstructions of Nix, Longland, Stokesley and Gardiner.

For the Creeds of Christendom, Vol. 1, Prof. Schaff comments on Melancthon’s sad and final days dying in 1560 and buried next to Luther in the Castle Church, Wittenberg. Meanwhile, the Gnesio-Lutheran, on Schaff’s telling, “out-Luther Luther” and are zealously anti-Papal and anti-Reformed. And we wonder why they weren’t invited to Dordt and the CoE was?

Westminster Confession of Faith 5.1:

Of Providence

1. God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of his own will, to the praise of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy.


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