Theological Journals

Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Permaculture for Ecotheology: An Innovative Experiment,” Dr. Troy Bierma offers an environmental lecture while the reader looks at his watch and shakes it to make sure it’s working. 38 pages of this? Westminster Magazine (Spring 2022): in “Ministry of the Word Today,” a commencement address at WTS, Dr. James Innes Packer comments on the disintegrated vision in evangelism, but also the hostile and decadent Protestantism. He notes that Barth tried to reverse things, but was like a man walking upwards an escalator going downwards—to wit, Barth gets worn out, out of breath, falls down the escalate and is a victim of the decadent Protestants. Modern Reformation (Jan/Feb 22), in “Rethinking How We Think about the Evangelical Mind and the Local Church,” Dr. Charles Cotherman outlines and details L’Abris with Francis and Edith Schaeffer as one response to the footloose 1960s-1970s. Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 317-36): in “William Perkin’s Doctrines of Faith and Assurance Through the Lens of Modern Faculty Psychology,” Matthew Payne asks if Perkins stress any of the faculties of the soul in his writings. Intellectualism? Voluntarism? Pietism? All three? What emphasis where? Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021, 7-34): in “Still No Peeking: Karl Barth’s Conflict with Federal Theology,” Dr. Beach is wonking out without clarity on Barth’s dislike of the covenant of works, covenant of grace, and covenant of redemption. Anglican & Episcopal History (Sept 2014), in “Thomas Cole and the Episcopal Church,” Dr. J. Robert Wright concludes by noting varied reviews of Cole in the art world. Churchman (Winter 2018): Book Review: Daniel Block’s “Ruth: Discourse Analysis” (ZECOT), Mr. Lillicrap gives the book an overall thumbs up. Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): Book Review: A Rebuttal of Common Grace and the Well-Meant Offer, by Sonny L. Hernandez. Lexington, KY: Trinity Gospel Church, 2021. Pp. 167. $12.00 (hardcover). ISBN-13: 979-8510179583. [Reviewed by David J. Engelsma]. Prof. Englesma reviews the outrageous OPC position of 1948, offered by Ned Stonehouse and John Murray, on their exegesis of Matt.23.37, 2 Pet. 3.9, the universal will of God soterically, and the free offer of the Gospel. Bluntly, it’s Arminianism planted alongside the WCF. An excellent book review. Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2020), in “Theological Education as Learning to Die,” Dr. Michael Allen brilliantly closes his article about seminary training. Living well and dying well. Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “Reading the Torah as the Law of Faith,” Dr. Craig Keener is wonking out on nomos in Paul. The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). James Waddel Archibald reviews Paul Henry’s “The Life of John Calvin, the Great Reformer” (Vol. 1, 1835). Rev. Archibald is offering citations from friends and foes of Calvin, illustrative of the appreciations from both. Concordia Theological Journal (Winter 2020), in in “טומ Means ‘Collapse,’ Not ‘Be Shaken,” Dr. Paul Puffe is wonkifying on טומ. Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2019), in “An Oppressed People in a Groaning Creation: Toward an Eco-Public Theology of Undocumented Farmworkers,” PTS student, Emi Wilkes will give us lessons on farming, economic production as in how the vegetables get to the market, and immigration policy. Yes, this is PTR. Why not zoology, botany, organic chemistry and other disciplines too? Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Navigating Empathy,” Jonathan Worthington has gone “total wonkdom” on a warrantable issue, but by throwing sand in the eyes with dozens of nuances. The subject is important and scholarly for nursing, medicine, counseling and general engagements with others. But, complexifictions raised by orders of magnitude are obfuscatory, not clarificatory.


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