Evening Prayer
Psalm 24, Prof. Calvin is speaking gloriously of the Temple and its
fulfillments in the Anointed David, the Ascended Son of David.
Pictorial Bible: Exodus: three parts: Israel in Egypt, Israel at Sinai, and
Israel in the wilderness.
on the route of the Exodus: Prof. T. V. Brisko is dealing with the southern
theory of the Exodus.
Genesis 11.27-25.11: Prof. Keil is still doing a theological reconnaissance on
the Angel of the LORD.
For Judges
6.1-16, Prof. Keil is discussing the Angel of the LORD and Gideon. Gideon asks
for a sign and gets one.
Isaiah 10.5-19, Prof. Henry comments on Sennacherib’s coming destruction. Pride
goes before a fall. The whispers of the heart are heard by the Judge and
Searcher of heart.
on Johannine Theology, Prof. I. Howard Marshall explores proto-Gnosticism in
terms of John’s works, but is cautious.
Mathew 7.13-29, Prof. Jamieson comments on preachers preaching smooth things,
widening the path to heaven and widening the narrow gate. To wit, smooth
talkers rather than straight-talkers like Jesus who talks about the broad way
but narrow gate.
Romans 5.12-21, Prof. Hodge is long-talking Romans 5.19, repeating himself
For Acts
1.1-5, Prof. Henry comments on Jesus’s assured instructions to the disciples
before the Ascension.
Copleston’s “History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome (1.1):” comments on the
Pythagoreans and their musical studies related to numbers.
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