Evening Prayer, Part Two

For Psalm 25, Prof. Calvin on the GLORIOUS AND PERSPICUOUS PROMISE of 25.12: “Who is the man that fears the LORD? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses.” ISBE on “Levi:” comments on the genealogy from Genesis forwards. For Genesis 14.1ff.: Prof. Keil comments on Abram’s war against the four kings. For Judges 7.10ff., Prof. Keil has set the stage for Gideon’s midnight attack on the Midianites—trumpets blowing, pitchers being broken, and a wild warrior cry, frightening and demoralizing the Midianites. One might think of Mel Gibson in Brave Heart. For Isaiah 10.5-19, Prof. Henry comments on the finality of God’s coming devastation on the Assyrians. ISBE on Johannine Theology, Prof. I. Howard Marshall, having zeroed in on doxa or glory in John’s writing, turns to “love”—God’s intra-Trinitarian love, but His love for the world of nations. For Mathew 8.5-22, Prof. Jamieson deals with the rash, precipitate disciple who is willing to follow, but without counting the cost. Jesus doesn’t repel him, but notes there’s a cross in following His Majesty. For Romans 5.12-21, Prof. Hodge goes full wonky-tonky-techno-jargon of little use on the text. Move along, Prof. We have the main points. For Acts 1.6-11, Prof. Henry is really emphasizing that the restoration of the kingdom is off the table for discussion. Frederick Copleston’s “History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome (1.1):” begins a discussion of Parmenides as remembered by Aristotle. Probably time to retour Aristotle again. EDT: Transcendentalism: hard to define but connected to a heightened spiritual state and Idealism. Hegelianizing? Ralph Waldo Emerson is a representive who, himself, had a hard time defining it. For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge is still focusing on the practical fruits of Scripture’s perspicuity. The accessibility of God’s Word to all. The WCF makes it clear that even the unlearned, through the ordinary means of reading, marking, and inwardly digesting with prayer are quite sufficient to give what is necessary to doctrine, belief, salvation and life.


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