Morning Prayer
For Psalm 25, Prof. Calvin notes that David strengthens and fortifies himself by prayer. One can discern in Calvin’s writings the frequent notes to duty and being strong.
Zondervan Pictorial Bible: “Leviticus:” Prof. Harrison comments on the decadent Graffaholics.
ISBE on “Levitical Cities:” notes that identifications today are difficult.
For Genesis 15.1ff.: Prof. Keil begins an exposition of the covenant of grace with Abraham, a warrantable phrase, “covenant of grace.”
For Judges 8.23ff., Prof. Keil comments on Gideon’s post-war responses to some tribalists’ envies.
For Isaiah 11.1ff., Prof. Henry gives a summary of the Messianic sermon.
ISBE on Johannine Theology, Prof. I. Howard Marshall is dealing with the title, “Son of Man,” in the Gospels, a reference to the Danielic “Son of Man” in Daniel 7. Glorious.
For Mathew 9.1ff., Prof. Jamieson closed up Matthew 8—more miracles—by deferring them to the discussion in the Marcan parallels.
For Romans 6.1-11, Prof. Hodge is working the justification-sanctification angle on rebutting antinomianism.
For Acts 1.6-11, Prof. Henry comments on the Apostles with the long-gaze and staring-gaze as Jesus is taken up from them.
Frederick Copleston’s “History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome (1.1):” comments on Zeno’s defenses of his master, Parmenides. He is defending Parmenides’ take on the “One and the Many” issue of philosophy.
EDT: Immanuel Kant: comments on his epistemology based on senses and reason.
For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge is handling innate knowledge of God.
For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Reymond exposes Pinnock’s very bold and very definite denial of God’s omniscience. Various verses are exegeted.
For Eschatology (locus 7), Prof. Berkhof is rebutting premillennialism.
Westminster Confession of Faith 8.1:
Of Christ the Mediator
1. It pleased God, in his eternal purpose, to choose and ordain the Lord Jesus, his only begotten Son, to be the Mediator between God and man, the Prophet, Priest, and King, the Head and Savior of his church, the Heir of all things, and Judge of the world: unto whom he did from all eternity give a people, to be his seed, and to be by him in time redeemed, called, justified, sanctified, and glorified.
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