Paul Ayris, Ph.D.: "God's Vicegerent & Christ's Vicar: Crown & ABC, 1533...
1533-1535. Though consecrated 30 Mar 1533 as ABC, Dr. Cranmer was enthroned at Canterbury Cathedral, months later on 3 Dec 1533. Hard to envisage the Doctor processes up through the nave, through the Quire, Presbytery and Altar. Methinks the Becket Shrine is still standing east of the altar area. Commissions were issued 4 Dec to visit the Chapter House and religious houses—St. Gregory, St. Sepulchre (home to Elizabeth Bart, the “Maid of Kent”), St. James, Faversham and Wingham College. This widens out to Lincoln, Tewkesbury, Stixwold, Colchester, Peterborough and Winchcombe. Dr. Cranmer runs into the proverbial saw, as had his predecessors over one-thing-or-another, mainly $$, pride and power, the source of all devilishness. Stokesley and Nix run their gambit on technicalities, to wit, Dr. Cranmer is still using the title Legate Natus of the Apostolic See and they don’t want praemunire charges. That is fixed with the Vicegerency of Crumwell who will eclipse Cranmer himself and will run things—now Crumwell can visit where he wants and head up the Convocation. HENRY VIII: "BOYS, CRUMWELL IS MY POINT-MAN. AM I CLEAR?"
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