Charles Beard: Martin Luther and the Reformation: Ch.10-Diet of Worms, 4...

1.     ON TO WORMS. Beard chronicles the journey from Wittenberg to Worms, starting and ending 2 Apr and 16 Apr, respectively. Will he get safe conduct or the Hus-treatment? That’s fresh on the minds of the church historians. There was a “gravamina,” a long-known and standard list of abuses going back to the Council of Constanz, an annual event of complaining, that most agreed needed to be addressed, but Luther was beyond that. He was special. Charles V’s summons was dated 6 Mar but was dispatched 16 Mar. Beard stresses that since ceremonious burning the Bull of Excommunication at Wittenberg, 10 Dec 1520, until his departure from Wittenberg, Luther had engaged in ceaseless literary activity. A creature of academic and ecclesiastical routine and duties. Also, Luther preached variously as he travelled to Worms. The “chatterbox,” Martin Bucer, is in the vicinity. Amidst the wide intrigues, Spalatin advises Luther to end the mission upon intel. Luther’s answer: “Though there were as many devils in Worms as there are tiles upon the roof I will go there” (432). ON TO WORMS. GOD BE PRAISED!


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