Edward Burbridge: "Liturgies and Offices of the Church:" Ch.3--Roman Lit...
Ancient Celtic services of over 300-years in the making (at least) were different than the Gregorian use from Augustine the Lesser of Canterbury. He writes to the Pope who counsels an edition that retains the best of the Celtic versions. British services are ultimately replaced with Gregorian uses. Leofric's Missal continues. Changes come from the Norman Conquest, Gallican Bishops in England and French Missals. The Sarum Use, a detailed and careful edition with theological additions, comes from the Gallican Bishop Osmund of Salisbury. Mr. Burbridge reviews—outlines—the SARUM LITURGY, a use of 500 years before the English BCPs. This was the edition that Dr. Cranmer used and was raised on.
The Collect for Purity, well-known to BCP-users at Holy Communion, is AT LEAST 1100 years old. It still is ever-fresh and warranted, sobering and dispositive.
"Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name: through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Why keep it? Well, one purpose amongst many others: "To remind Rick Warren and his Mafia dons that the church didn't begin in America with his 24,000 Baptacostals and Praise Bands in California."
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