Rev. Henry John Todd, M.A.: "Life of Archbishop Cranmer:" Ch. 3: 1532-15...
After Dr. Cranmer’s consecration with
a packed audience in Westminster Abbey, he afterwards, in due time, took the oath
to the King regarding his temporalities. “I, Thomas Cranmer, renounce and
utterly forsake all such clauses, words, sentences, and grants, which I have of
the pope’s holiness in his bulls of the archbishopric of Canterbury, that in
any manner was, is, or may be, hurtful or prejudicial to your Highness, your
heirs, successors’ estates, or dignity royal; knowing myself to take and hold
the said archbishopric immediately, and only, of your Highness, and of none
other; most lowly beseeching the same for restitution of the temporalities of
the said archbishopric; professing to be faithful, true, and obedient subject
to your said Highness, your heirs and successors, during my life. So help me
God, and the Holy Evangelists” (73).
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