John Foxe: "Acts and Monuments," 4.16ff.

John Frith is examined on the Eucharistic issue by Stokesley of London, Lincoln’s Bishop and Bishop Stephen Gardiner of Winchester. Frith believes the Oecolampadian view is tolerable. He does not believe transubstantiation is an article of necessary faith—to wit, an Adiaphorist, although he will die for this alone along with his Oecolampdian take. The sentence given against John Frith (14)—Foxe gives the actual text. Also, the actual text of the letter of John Stokesley, Bishop of London, to certify the King of the condemnation of John Frith and Andrew Hewet is given (16). Andrew Hewet and John Frith are burned at Smithfield, 4 July 1533. Interestingly, Dr. Cranmer has been in the archepiscopal seat for over 3 months or so, but nothing is mentioned—he is got other issues going on this early. This is a special of Henry’s, Audley’s and London, Lincoln, and Winchester. The history of the persecution and death of Thomas Benet is given He is burned in Exeter (19).


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