Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch: Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah.
Jamieson, Fausset & Brown: Gospels. Matthew Henry: Revelation. Dr. Robert
Reymond: Systematic Theology. Prof. Berkhof, Systematic Theology: Soteriology.
Dr. Philip Schaff, Apostolic Christianity, Medieval Christianity, Swiss
Reformation and Creeds of Christendom. Westminster Larger Catechism, 129.
Psalm 14, Prof. Calvin offers an exquisite commentary on 14.1. Of these God-denying
fools: “…they may not utter this detestable blasphemy with their mouths; but
the unbridled licentiousness of their life loudly and distinctly declares that
in their hearts…they soothingly sing this song to themselves…” No wonder
sinners like Laud hated Geneva: his platinum level pride was wrecked by an Emmy
Award Winning Scholar, John Calvin, like an eagle soaring above a rat.
Joshua 13, the geography lessons continue.
Isaiah 3, Prof. Henry talks about the removal of state ministers, learned men,
politicians, clergy, men of wit and learning, skilled judges, learned prophets,
honorable men, skilled men of speech, etc. The props and stays of the culture
are being removed by God.
For Mathew
2.13-25, Prof. Jamiesson discusses Herod Antipas and his northerly region of
Revelation 8.1-6, the seventh seal is opened and angels appear, each with seven
Bibliology, Prof. Reymond discusses the “mysticism” and sheer, irrationalistic
anti-intellectualism of godless cosmologists.
Soteriology, Prof. Berkhof discusses national, temporary and genuine “conversions.”
Apostolic Christianity, Prof. Schaff discusses the preparatory role of Judaism
for the arrival of the Son of God.
Medieval Christianity, Prof. Schaff discusses the Culdees of Scotland.
the Swiss Reformation, Prof. Schaff further comments on the Italian Reformed
communities south of the Alps, later to be incinerated by the Romanist
the Creeds of Christendom, Prof. Schaff outlines the doctrinal standards of the
Russo-Greek church.
Westminster Larger Catechism, 129: Q.
129. What is required of superiors towards their inferiors? A. It is required
of superiors, according to that power they receive from God, and that relation
wherein they stand, to love, pray for, and bless their inferiors; to instruct,
counsel, and admonish them; countenancing, commending, and rewarding such as do
well; and discountenancing, reproving, and chastising such as do ill; protecting,
and providing for them all things necessary for soul and body: and by grave,
wise, holy, and exemplary carriage, to procure glory to God, honour to
themselves, and so to preserve that authority which God hath put upon them.
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