Charles Beard: Martin Luther and the Reformation: Ch.10-Diet of Worms, 4...
1. LUTHER’S OUT. ROME’S IN. The Diet begins closing down in late May with an epidemic and deaths with Charles remaining in his quarters. Aleander obtains the signatures of all with a back-dating of the document to 8 May 1521. “It tells the story of Luther's heresies, narrates what had taken place at Worms, vaunts the justice of the Emperor, the clemency of the Pope, paints with a broad brush the wickedness of the criminal on whom it is about to pass sentence. It places Luther and his adherents out of the pale of the law; condemns his books to the flames; and subjects all printing to the control of the bishops” (455). The Reformation was not stayed for a moment. Variously, Luther preaches as he heads home. He writes letter with the same themes offered at the Diet. On May 4, he is interdicted near Eisenach in a secret operation run by the Elector who has a close-hold on the project. “They put Luther on horseback, and by devious ways brought him to the "Wartburg, a...