Edward Burbidge: "Liturgies and Offices of the Church:" Ch. 2--Eastern L...
2. CHAPTER II. EASTERN LITURGIES, 19ff. Worship services were not committed to writing in the first ages. An apostolic model was variously adapted in different Churches. Liturgy a technical name for order of worship and the worship of the people. “These may be subdivided as follows: — I. The Eastern family included at least four groups; the Liturgies of (1) St. James. (2) St. Basil and St. Chrysostom, (3) St. Mark, (4) Eastern Syria. These are found in different forms, having been translated into various languages and adapted to the habits of various nations. Amidst much diversity there is a great resemblance between them all; and those named after St. Basil and St. Chrysostom, which are to this day in regular use in Russia and Eastern Europe, follow exactly the same plan. II. The Gallican included (1) the ancient form of French Liturgy in use before the eighth century, and (2) the Mozarabic, or ancient Spanish Liturgy, the use of which has lingered on to the present day in one chapel ...