Theological Journals, Part 3: 12/21/2022
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “Bridegroom of Blood: A Sermon on Exodus 4.24-26,” Pastorette Betsy DeVries tours the early life of Moses, his assumption as judge in killing an Egyptian, his discovery, his retreat and his proud, forgetfulness in failure to circumcize his sons. God is the Boss, not you Moses. God is ready to kill Moses. Get your priorities right, Moses. God is the Boss.
Calvin Theological Journal (Nov 2022): in “Reforming the Fast: Luther, Zwingli and Calvin on Fasting,” Dr. K. J. Drake will draw together the views of the three Reformers, divesting fasting of its meritoriousness for justification.
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “The Ark of the Covenant: A Sermon on Exodus 25.8-22,” Rev. Brian Alred closes the excellent sermon by—basically—showing the details of redemption.
Hedgehog Review (Summer 2022): in “Pastlessness,” Dr. Lasch-Quinn develops the history of 19th century anti-supernaturalism, the age of development beyond those barbaric and primitive believers with their view of God.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 1: “Chapter 6: Christ and Criticism,” Sir Robert Anderson details the developments from Eichorn to his progeny—the bolder progeny cast off miracles and divine inspiration. We’d add: three options: Isaiah’s God, other gods (my reason, etc.) or no gods. They are mutually exclusive. There is only one option. These Fundamentals should be required reading in all seminaries and US pulpits.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 2:” in “Chapter 5: The Testimony of the Organic Unity of the Bible to its Inspiration,” Dr. A. T. Pierson gloriously uses the metaphor of a grand orchestra with One conductor bringing all the musicians and instruments into unity. We would add that this grandiosity and glory of the Unity of the Bible and the Great, Infinite Mind superintending it is largely missed these days. Dr. Pierson gets at it. These Fundamentals should be required reading in all seminaries and US pulpits.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 3: “Chapter 6: At-One-Ment by Propitiation,” Dean Dyson Hague of Wycliffe, U of Toronto, after chiding Neo-Socinians, summarizes the OT as a book of atonement, from to end. He walks one through the essentials of the OT Gospel in Leviticus. That means the Holy God (Isaiah’s God), sin, guilt, blood-shedding, and atonement. Can we get a sermon from Linda Nichols on this? These Fundamentals should be required reading in all seminaries and US pulpits.
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 4:” “Chapter 5: The Decadence of Darwinism,” Henry Beach begins his commentary from Darwin’s own writings. He appears to be headed in the direction of the impossibility of going from nucleated cells to the processes resulting in animals and humans, from minerals and cells, to coagulation to sophisticated forms. We do have some suggestions for the missing links between Primates and Humans. These Fundamentals should be required reading in all seminaries and US pulpits.
“Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses Augustine’s Confessions, Chapters 4-5, Augustine’s dalliance with Manicheanism, his travels to Rome, and finally his trip to Milan.
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