Theological Journals, Part 2: 12/21/2022

Table Talk (Oct 2022): in “Exodus 28:” describes the priest’s undergarments, a necessity, a covering for shame and guilt. Table Talk (Nov 2022): in “Is Jesus Divine?,” Dr. Greg Lanier works the classic texts. Won’t hear much of this in Anglican Journal. Table Talk (Dec 2022): “The Millenium,” Dr. Cornelius Venema broaches the three views of the millennium, a topic that can generate heats for some. Table Talk (Jan 2023): “Peace with Ourselves,” Rev. Ed Welch addresses the challenges to peace in our own lives—sounds, sights, fast pace of living and more. Standard Bearer (Nov 15, 2022): in “With One Voice: The Reformers on Justification,” Prof. Huizinga hammers it home on iustitia aliena, Christ’s active and passive obedience, in its all sufficiency, for the saint. Standard Bearer (1 Dec 2022): in “The Sin of Forgiveness,” Prof. Gritters argues that forgiving an impenitent sinner is wrong, unhelpful and does not accord with God’s practice. Rather than look to self, one must look to Jesus in His office of justification. It’s a soundly reasoned article. Bibliotheca Sacra (April-June 2021): in “Paul’s Use of an Ontological Metaphor in 2 Corinthians 6.16,” Dr. Michael McKay is getting too wonky and impractical, finding things it’s hard to imagine Paul as intending. Modern Reformation (Nov/Dec 2022): in “Can Baptists Be Catholic? An Evangelical Perspective,” Pastor Ryhne Putnam tells us about the Baptistic view that church membership consists of regenerates who have had a credible and datable conversion story. Well, that just ain’t gonna work for other reasons.


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