Theological Journals, Part 1: 12/21/2022
Historiographer (Autumn 2022): “Recovering the Easter Vigil Liturgy:” Mr. John Rawlinson discusses the Vigil at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, smells and bells, thurible and incense, one baptism and several confirmations. No OT, NT, ST or systematics in view.
National Catholic Register (6 Nov 2022): “Who Will Lead the US Bishops’ Conference:” 10 names are posed for the election.
National Catholic Register (20 Nov 2022): in “Public Schools vs. Parents,” Matthew McDonald outlines the legal positions noting that the school’s position is they don’t have to inform preteens about gender-identity issues. Glad the Romanists are raising this. From the mainline, we’ll get no OT, NT, ST, or CH. The Zeitgeist rules.
National Catholic Register (6 Dec 2022): “School Board Success,” Matthew McDonald tells the story of school boards, CRT, transgenderism, and more. Glad the RCs are on these stories including legal challenges. A strategy of defiance is by electing traditionalists to school boards.
National Catholic Register (18-31 Dec 2022): “One by One the Church Strives to Fill the Pew:” tells the story of one Roman priest in a rural area with three parishes and his arduous work to get returnees after COVID-19.
Anglican Journal (Oct 2022): “Education Directory:” Vancouver School of Theology and Wycliffe, UoT, gets space of advertising. Wycliffe is called an evangelical Anglican school while VST claims a comprehensiveness.
Anglican Journal (Nov 2022): “On My New Role with the Anglican Communion,” the Canadian Primatette, Linda Nichols, gives her happy talk about working with the Provinces of the Americas. No OT, NT, ST, or CH.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in “Huguenot Anglican in Seventeenth Century Virginia,” Rev. Lonnie Lee notes that French Huguenots to Virginia brought their entrepreneurial skills to the new colony.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): “Peter Martyr Vermigli.” Dr. Daniel Graves comments on Vermigli’s concept of “mutual indwelling”—Christ in the believer and the believer in Christ—for Holy Communion’s efficacy. For the believer, it is impossible for Christ not to be “Present,” not in the elements but in the believer and in the church of believers.
Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): : in “Reforming Tradition: Anglican Spirited Continuity,” Dr. Ross Kane has about 100 configurations of the wax nose called “Anglican traditions.” He’s on the hamster’s wheel looking for how Anglicanism can confront the future.
Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): in “Desmond Tutu and the Promise and Perils of the Prophet Role of the Church,” Christopher Brittain and Nkanyiso Maphumolo discuss two histories: romanticized hagiography and the other as idealism/utopianism (rainbowism). Somehow, these two will navigate the shoals.
Anglican Theological Review (Nov 2022): “Editors’ Notes:” comments are offered about the “supercessationist views” of “white supremacists” in Virginia.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): ”Prophecy Arguments in Apostolic and Contemporary Time,” Drs.Gauche, Newman, and Bloom argue based on a 1999 article in JETS that sane, statistical and exegetical arguments are needed to counter the anti-supernatural worldviews of the academy. This is good. Three options: Isaiah’s God exists (infinite, omnipotent, omniscient), other gods exist, or no God exists. The are mutual exclusive and jointly exhaustive. Pity poor the lads and lasses with a wee lil’ god or, worse, the liars ( = atheists who knows there is a God, but lie like devils, e.g. Romans 1.18-32).
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Jun 2022): in “Evangelicals, Justice and the Civil War,” Dr. Obbie Tyler Todd on the defenses of slavery by Southern Baptist writers, for the “good order” and “welfare” of society and the church. He compares Robert Breckenridge (Warfield’s grandfather and an anti-slavery man) with Robert Lewis Dabney, a southern Presbyterian advocating for slavery (though he never preached on it. A divided house on the question. Breckenridge writes a clear article against slavery in the historic, old PTJ, or, Biblical Repertoire. Clear-headed thinking by Rev. Breckenridge of Kentucky.
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