Theological Journals, Part 1: 12/16/2022
National Catholic Register (6 Nov 2022): “Who Will Lead the US Bishops’ Conference:” 10 names are posed for the election. All these Bishops nominated have doctoral degrees in theology. Commendable.
National Catholic Register (20 Nov 2022): in “Public Schools vs. Parents,” Matthew McDonald shows the face-off in one New Hampshire county which engaged in trans-gender coaching to two children without parental notice, consultation or permission. Mama-bears and Papa-bears are not happy.
National Catholic Register (6 Dec 2022): “School Board Success,” Matthew McDonald tells the story of school boards, CRT, transgenderism, and more. Glad the RCs are on these stories including legal challenges.
Anglican Journal (Oct 2022): “Education Directory:” Queens College of Theology, a small school operating since 1841 in Newfoundland: a standard PR promo. We do this-that-and-the-other in theology.
Anglican Journal (Nov 2022): “On My New Role with the Anglican Communion,” the Canadian Primatette, Linda Nichols, describes her new role—more meetings. She makes reference to the primacy of the Bible, liturgy and creeds. We’d add that she’s De-Bishopped St. Paul and de-canonized the Pastoral Epistles. That is, the primacy of Scripture until it’s not primary. Tell us more, Linda.
Anglican Journal (Dec 2022): “Never Seen Anything This Bad,” Sean Franklin describes the homelessness situation in Toronto, including opiod abuse and deaths of street-people.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in “Huguenot Anglican in Seventeenth Century Virginia,” Rev. Lonnie Lee further explores the late 17th century bi-lingual, French Huguenot ministers and communities in the Rappahannock area of Virginian. They were operating under the hegemony of and with the approval of Bishop Compton of London. It proves comfortably that old school Calvinists can and did adapt to BCP Churchmanship. No surprises there. The old RECers were Calvinists with Bishops and a Prayer Book...until they weren't.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): “Peter Martyr Vermigli.” Dr. Daniel Graves begins the discussion about Dr. Cranmer’s friend and table companion and a discussion of Vermigli’s “Preface to the Oxford Treatise and Disputation on the Eucharist.” The account leading up to and after 1549 BCP’s introduction is given including Vermigli’s ghost-writer for Cranmer’s sermon at St. Paul’s Cathedral following the Devonshire uprising.
Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): : in “Reforming Tradition: Anglican Spirited Continuity,” Dr. Ross Kane has about 100 configurations of the wax nose called “Anglican traditions.” Via meda is put through the paces too. He sorta misses the confessional and BCP-aspect by miles although he slips it in discussing it’s time-boundedness and lack of clarity. Blah, blah. In other words, we're not Confessional like those Presbyterians. He says that. Ya' just gotta laugh some.
Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): “`Love is our Lord’s Meaning:’ Spiritual Formation in Julian of Norwich and Desmond Tutu,” Frank England is not helping here.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): “Societally Derived or Studiously Prosecuted,” Dr. Sarver concludes his article and has sustained his thesis: Bishop David Payne, AME, was Biblically oriented as the “Apostle of Education” to blacks and was not a social construct as some flat-liners have done.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Jun 2022): in “Evangelicals, Justice and the Civil War,” Dr. Obbie Tyler Todd comments on theologians of the south on Slavery like Robert Dabney, James Thornwell and others.
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