Millard Erickson, Ph.D.: "Christian Theology:" Ch. 7--God's Universal Re...
God’s Universal Revelation, 153-174. Prof. Millard
explains the nature of revelation, the loci of general revelation, the reality
and efficacy of natural revelation, general revelation and human
responsibility, and the implications of general revelation. He unexegetically postulates
Ps. 19.1, Rom.1.18-20 and nature Psalms while missing, nearly entirely and quite
poorly, the divine activity. Natural revelation has three loci—nature, history and
the human consciousness. Anselm, Aquinas, Abelard, the a posteriori arguments (cosmology,
teleology, moral government), the a priori argument (ontology), Descartes, and Kant
are explained. Not a single confession, creed or liturgy is cited in this anthropocentrist’s
explanation. This volume is not a first-volume or go-to for seminarians.
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