Gregg Allison, Ph.D.: "Historical Theology:" Ch. 10--Character of God, 2...

NIP IT. NIP IT IN THE BUD. REPEL THE INVADERS. SET UP A PERIMETER WATCH. More Visigoths, Vikings, Norseman, Danes, Angles, Jutes, axemen and halberdsmen are noted in the modern period: pantheists, panentheists, “be ye happy” enthusiasts (Osteen, we add, rather than “be ye holy”), moral therapeutism, Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorn, Bultmannian existentialism, open theism, Clark Pinnock, John Sanders, and Gregory Boyd. We would recommend Professor William G. T. Shedd’s Dogmatic Theology which nips all this “isms” in the bud. “Nip it, I say, nip in the bud.”


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