Edmund Cox: "Works of Thomas Cranmer (Parker Society):" 1.14ff.
CONCLUSION OF THE PREFACE TO THE UNWRITTEN VERITIES: “Whatsoever therefore the church teacheth you out of the canonical books of the bible, believe that; but if they teach anything beside that, (I mean, which is not agreeable with the same,) believe neither that, nor them. For then they are not the church of Christ, but the synagogue of Sathan and antichrist. For the church of God (as Saint Paul witnesseth) is “builded upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets;” not upon the apostles, but upon the same foundation which they laid, that is, Christ Jesus, and his holy word. And all such unwritten verities as the papists have in their mouths, though they seem never so glorious a church to the face of the world, if they be not agreeing (as they are not indeed) to the very word of God, suspect them, yea, rather, I bid you utterly to abhor and reject them. For their outward and seen church may, and doth (as is before proved) commonly err in great and weighty matters. Stand fast therefore to sound and good doctrine, and waver not. And "if any man come unto you, and bring not this doctrine with him, receive him not into your house: bid him not God speed,” nor have ought to do with him; but count him as an abject from God and Christ. But cleave ye fast to the sound and certain doctrine of God's infallible word, written in the canonical books of the new and old Testament, which is able sufficiently to instruct you to eternal salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. To whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and praise for ever and ever. Amen” (19).
And Dr. Cranmer seemed so cautious, modest, meek and moderate. He's just not inclusive enough.
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