Theological Journals, Part 3

Reformed Faith and Practice (May 2022): in “Geerhardus Vos and the Interpretation of Romans 1:3-4,” Dr. J. V. Fesko, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, tours Lange and William Plumer on the text in question. Plummer assembles a long line of hitters and batters on the text. Concordia Theological Journal (January 2022), in “Justification in the Theology of Robert D. Preus,” Dr. David P. Scaer comments on the muck-ups in mid-20th century, American Lutheranism on predestination, its outright denials in some places and affirmations elsewhere. Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): in “The Perfectly Triune God,” Rev. Marco Barone comments, in true Hoeksemian fashion, that Biblical covenants are not contracts between a Sovereign God and His elect seed. Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Ben Sira’s Canon Conscious Interpretive Strategies: His Narrative History and Realization of the Jewish Scriptures,” Peter Beckman (PhD candidate), notes gloriously how firm the canonical categories are for Ben Sira—Law, Wisdom, and Prophets with an identical canon with the Hebrew canon. Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (5.2: 2020): in “The One Church, the Many Churches,” the Roman scholar, Eduardo Echeverria, is blowing more smoke with a lot of words and lack of clarity. Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “THE USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE APOCALYPSE,” Dr. Gregory Beale speaks of the universalizing of OT texts, expanding and extending from OT applications to nations, tribes and tongues as evident in Revelation. Quite an article. Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2020. BOOK REVIEW, James Eglinton, Bavinck: A Critical Biography (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2020). Cloth. $44.99. xxii, 450pp. Dr. Kevin DeYoung has made a book-sale with his review and recommendation. Also, the purchase of Bavinck’s 5-volume Dogmatics translated in 2008. Someone has 1 volume and needs to pony up for the whole set. The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). The reviewer is quibbling, to little avail, over interpretations given and received over the trial and vindication of Rev. Albert Barnes of First Presbyterian, Philadelphia. We believe that the old school is tangoing with the new school with not just Albert Barnes, but Lyman Beech. ??. We’ll see.


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