Theological Journals, Part 3

Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 355-381): “Classical Versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Modelling for Ongoing Theological Construction:” Torey J.S. Teer discusses Habet’s proposition that the treatment of the Holy Spirit in dogmatics is undeveloped. At present, he’s surveying Habet’s ideas in order to fairly deal with him. VALUE: forces revisitation of the issue of the Trinity. Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “Should Effectual Calling and Regeneration be Distinguished,” Dr. Cornelius Venema continues to discuss the narrow and broader meaning of regeneration. VALUE: brings focus on the DAILY ACTIONS of the Holy Spirit in regeneration as He pleases, where He pleases and when He pleases. Total sovereignty of God. Global Anglican (Spring 2022): in “Evaluating the Place of the Main Images of the Atonement,” Alexander Evans concludes his excellent article on the several aspects of the atonement in Order Two of Holy Communion in use in the CoE. VALUE: highlights the deep poverty of Sharon Baker in PTJ’s woeful views on the atonement, a toxic set of metabolic burpings. Mr. Evans has done a fine and excellent job. VALUE: encouragement to right thinking while at Holy Communion. “The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 1:” in “History of Higher Criticism,” Dean Dyson Hague completely disarms the Germans on the claim of kenosis that Jesus was precritical and naïve about OT revelation. Namely, Jesus in His post-resurrectional account (no kenosis there) speaks of all things being fulfilled as foretold in the Law, Prophets and Psalms. Dean Hague, Anglican Professor at Wycliffe, Un. of Toronto, does a total take-down here. VALUE: encouragement in watching a scholar debunk, deconstruct, defang and declaw the Germans. “Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses the “Letter to Diognetus.” Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2007): in “Justice, Mercy, and Forgiveness: Jesus’ Cross to Bare,” Sharon L. Baker tells the reader blithely in a footnote that she won’t be dealing with St. Paul’s writings. Metabolic and toxic burps. VALUE: none whatsoever, other than to expose a reader to a false teacher—murdering the atonement, God’s justice, and the Canon. She has no exegesis. No church history to note and no engagement with serious systematic theologians. Hey, it’s PTS and with the PCUSA that has, by its own admission, “no doctrinal core.”


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