Theological Journals, Part 1
Anglican Journal (June 2022): discusses financial efforts to buttress retirement packages for retired, Anglican clergy who worked with indigenous peoples in Canada.
Anglican and Episcopal History (June 2022): in “Archbishop Michael Ramsey and the Lambeth Conference,” Dr. PETER WEBSTER comments on Ramsey’s aversion to the press, but that the press had become a newer and wider feature in the 1968 Lambeth Conference.
Table Talk (August 2022): Misunderstood Biblical Words: “Kinsmen Redeemer:” redemptive and commercial language on “redeeming” one’s kin, e.g., Boaz and Ruth.
Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “A Chronology of the Life of Christ with Emphasis on the Nativity and Epiphany,” Kurt Simmons, J.D., is wonking away on Dec 25 and Jan 6.
Modern Reformation (July/Aug 2022): in “When Doctrine Divides the People of God,” Dr. Rhyne is interviewed and says the “fruits of the Spiri”" should be the starting point in talking with people who differ from us in theological dialogue.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): in “The Beatitudes and the Life of the Church, Gerard M, Cisar discusses unclean hearts with clean, outward hands of the Pharisees. Some extremely strong remarks by Jesus about hypocrisy.
Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 355-381): “Classical Versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Modelling for Ongoing Theological Construction:” Torey J.S. Teer wonks away on Habet’s TAT model of the Trinity.
Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021): in “Should Effectual Calling and Regeneration be Distinguished,” Dr. Cornelius discusses monergism in Turretin.
Global Anglican (Spring 2022): in “John Owen on the Dangers of Biblicism,” Rev. Rich Duncan (CoE, Peterborough, UK) continues the discussion of Socinians’ exegesis.
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