Theological Journals, Part 3--7/26/2022
Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Ben Sira’s Canon Conscious Interpretive Strategies: His Narrative History and Realization of the Jewish Scriptures,” Peter Beckman (PhD candidate), is handling textual matters with Ben Sira noting he was using a formal canon with consistency.
New Horizons (June 2022): in New Horizons (June 2022): BOOK REVIEW: Expository Preaching, by David Strain. P&R, 2021. Hardcover, 144 pages, $11.50. Reviewed by OP pastor Dale A. Van Dyke. Thumbs up from Dale: short, succinct and practical. Expository preaching, he claims, is theologically grounded serving as worship, nurture and evangelism, all three. We'd buy it, but the queue is full.
Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (5.2: 2020): in “The One Church, the Many Churches,” the Roman scholar, Eduardo Echeverria, is attempting to critique Bavinck and Kuyper’s “ecclesiological epistemology” and is going not very far.
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal (1837): the Editor summarizes Rev. James Smythe’s sermon on Is. 13. Rev. Smythe, a Covenanter, makes applications to the congregation, Elders and Deacons, to have a faithful, consistent, and loyal witness and to not make cause with Erastians and Prelates.
Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “THE USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE APOCALYPSE,” Dr. Gregory Beale convincingly is arguing a full bevy of OT themes in Revelation. Coherent and lucid.
Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2020). BOOK REVIEW: James Eglinton, Bavinck: A Critical Biography (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2020). Cloth. $44.99. xxii, 450pp. Dr. Kevin DeYoung warms to this academic biography by Prof. Eglinton, Prof. of Reformed Theology at Edinburg University. He comments on some anecdotes that are rather charming. Well-researched, 300 pages, and 100 pages of indicia and endnotes.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). The reviewer is quibbling, to little avail, over interpretations given and received over the trial and vindication of Rev. Albert Barnes of First Presbyterian, Philadelphia.
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