Morning Prayer
The picture is Rev. Dr. Robert Jamieson, Churchman of the Church of Scotland.
For Psalm 20, Prof. Calvin comments on King David’s national Psalm speaking of the Divine victory as victory for God Himself. David is a shadow and type of the Messianic David and His glorification.
ISBE on the dating of Exodus: Prof. R. K. Harrison makes a bald statement that the 19th dynasty in terms of political context of the 13th century BC in insufficient in support of that date for the Exodus.
For Genesis 4.9-15: Prof. Keil comments on Cain being cast from the presence of God—redemptively speaking but not essentially since God remain omnipresent.
For Judges 2.6-3.6, Prof. Keil discusses the up-and-down of the book. Judgment on the unbelieving Israelites but deliverance for the believers.
For Isaiah 8.1-8, Prof. Henry again notes that the Assyrians are coming. Predictive prophecy? The fundie-libboes, those tolerate and generous creatures, say emphatically “No!” And those fundie-libboes, that aristocratic breed with the aloofness to doctrine (lest they have to work and think).
ISBE on Mark: Dr. R. P. Martin comments on the “Messianic secret” in Mark.
For Mathew 5.43-48, Prof. Jamieson comments on the Law and Gospel angle of the Sermon on the Mount, describing God as the “Great Searcher” of all human hearts.
For Romans 4.1ff., Prof. Hodge is still discussing “imputation” and its meanings.
For Revelation 19.5-8, Prof. Henry gives the heavenly music at Babylon’s defeat.
EDT on the Theological Liberalism: the fundie-libboe-know-it-alls initiated the quest for the historical Jesus, reduced Christianity to just another syncretistic religion of the ANE, and denied the authority of the Biblical Canon.
Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021) on “Theological Consequences of Q”: Dr. Dawson comments on Sarah Rollen’s ascription of Q to a Second Temple document that shapes the NT oral community. Theory upon theory (again) for the Q-aholics in the fenced-off clubhouse of the cognoscenti.
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): 3-15, Rev. Key is still offering a less-than-stellar commentary on Romans 8. Higher expectations exist for this Journal.
Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2021), Dr. Fesko on “What Lurks Behind Geerhardus Vos?” says
In the Global Anglican (Winter 2021), Robintan Mody reviews Donald Campbell’s “Pauline Dogmatics” (Eerdmans 2020). Dr. Campbell is a NPP-fella who rejects penal substitiutonary atonement, “contractual theology” (Donald’s words), the Lutheran Paul in caricature and affirms same-sex relationships. It is not a useful review for classicists except as to add to this history of perverters that exist in the theological guild.
For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge discusses the lexical parameters to the word “traditions” in the NT and subsequent amplification by Romanists.
For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Reymond comments on “morphn” in Phil. 2.6-11.
For Ecclesiology (locus 6), Prof. Berkhof concludes comments on the number of sacraments in the OT and NT—circumcision, Passover, baptism, and Holy Communion.
ODCC: Irenaeus (130-200): native of Smyrna, auditor of Polycarp (?), Presbyter of Lyons and later Bishop there, courier to Eleutherius the Bip of Rome, and favorable towards the Quartodecimians.
For Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 1 (1-100) Prof. Schaff comments further on the Apostles.
For Medieval Christianity, Vol. 4 (590-1073), Prof. Schaff comments on Gregory 1’s obvious confliction and constipation over the title of universal title of universal jurisdiction. He strongly declines it, but seems himself to want it. The oldest brew on everlasting tap—hidden pride masked as humility.
For the Swiss Reformation Vol. 8 (1519-1605), Prof. Schaff offers (another) cheap shot at Calvin over his legal training—to wit, “increased his legalism and over-estimation of logical demonstration.”
For Dr. Cranmer, Prof. MacCulloch notes that in 1531 there is no reason to believe that Cranmer’s or Gardiner’s doctrinal views differed. The Prof. suggests it is helpful and useful to track their parallel careers including preferments. Cranmer had received Bredon, 4 benefices, and the Archdeaconry of Taunton and Gardiner the see of Winchester.
For the Creeds of Christendom, Prof. Schaff concludes the section on Pio Nono’s hot attack on the Old Catholics as holding “chairs of doctrinal pestilence.”
1994 CCC: our infallibilists in paragraphs 303-306 comments on providence and secondary causes.
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