Morning Prayer
For Psalm
19, Prof. Calvin discusses the glory of the sun and stars in the heavens.
on Exodus: Prof. R. K. Harrison comments on the Book of the Covenant.
Genesis 3 and the Fall: Prof. Keil comments on the Tempter and Satan.
For Judges
1, Prof. Keil offers commentary on the introduction to Judges.
Isaiah 7.10-16, Prof. Henry comments on God’s invitation to the bad Ahaz to ask
for a confirmatory sign, confirming His (through Isaiah) Word of deliverance.
Gracious approach to a bad guy.
on Mark: Dr. R. P. Martin offers the quibbles of two scholars over Mark 1.1.
Mathew 5.21ff, Prof. Jamiesson focuses on the 6th commandment,
murder and murderous speech.
Romans 3.9-20, Prof. Hodge gives the doctrinal implications. All sinners are
subject to divine condemntations, the Scriptures of the OT comments apply to
all ages, piety and morality are inseparable and the office of the law is to
expose, convince and convict of sin, not to justify.
Revelation 16.12-16, Prof. Henry comments on the seventh angel, seventh vial of
divine wrath, the counteractions of the demonic empires and the finality of its
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