Evening Prayer

For Psalm 19, Prof. Calvin extols the language of heaven found in the firmament. Heard by all tongues and nations in one voice. God speaks in nature.

ISBE on Exodus: Prof. R. K. Harrison continued discussing the contents and the parallels of the Sinaitic Covenant and 2nd millennium Hittite Suzerainty Treaties.

For Genesis 2.18-25: Prof. Keil continues on the roles of man and woman.

For Judges 1, Prof. Keil continues discusses the role of judges as administrators, warriors (not all), justices, and conservers of the theocracy.

For Isaiah 7.1-9, Prof. Henry: the northern confederacy is going down. Take heart, Ahaz, and buck up.

ISBE on Mark: Dr. R. P. Martin wanders around on the provenance question (again).

For Mathew 5.17-20, Prof. Jamiesson camps on “jot and tittle” inspiration of the Law and Prophets—Jesus’s view. Don’t hold to that and, with honesty, you need to disclaim being a follower of Jesus and a Christian even.

For Romans 3.9-20, Prof. Hodge in a classic page defends justification as a forensic act. 3.20—outstanding theology. No room for Rome or the mystics.

For Revelation 16.12-16, Prof. Henry: the sixth angel is loosed and the Red Dragon, the Devil, counteracts with his demonic agents.

EDT on the Enlightenment: Voltaire was exiled in France and affected by English Deists. He came to reject miracles and fulfilled prophecies.

In the Global Anglican, Matthew Payne continues his walk through the BCP as expressive of an implicit perseverance of the saints yet skirting direct discussion of predestination (which Calvin held).


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