Morning Prayer and the Litany (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch: Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown: Gospels. Matthew Henry: Revelation. Dr. Robert Reymond: Systematic Theology. Prof. Berkhof, Systematic Theology: Soteriology. Dr. Philip Schaff, Apostolic Christianity, Medieval Christianity and Swiss Reformation. Dr. Philip Schaff: Creeds. Westminster Shorter Catechism, 61-70.
For Psalm 9, David elaborates on God, seated on the throne, who judges the enemies who oppose His Kingdom, His Covenant, His promises and His Majesty's Word. As such, God's people stand in battle with this infallible assurance.
For Joshua 7, Prof. Keil tells us of the stoning of Achan, family and life stock. Holiness, divine judgment and correlates are dead in many seminaries and churches. Similarly, Acts 5 and the tasering of Annanias and Saphira. Likely, 1 Cor. 11.30 is non-functional. Why? The dictates, desires, fears, incompetencies and distractions of Dr. Lard Cake-Eaters in collars seeking peace and their careers. The people like it that way.
For Isaiah 1, Prof. Henry begins to discuss Isaiah's "vision" concerning Jerusalem and Judah in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. Prof. Henry believes these constitutes thematic sermons, variously. While Isaiah will look largely at the continuing Israel (without the other 10 tribes), other nations will get the head-butt from God.
For the Introduction to the Gospels, Prof. Jamiesson shines the light into the darkness of Germany--Eichorn, Strauss, Baur and that Tubingen crew, Schleiermacher and other Teutonic subjectivists. First refuted, then abandoned and then fallen into disrepute. Then, the spirits and ghosts floated to Oxford and NYC to corrupt weak Professors. Prof. Jamieson punk-slaps the proud Germans, albeit without elaboration.
For Revelation 3, Prof. Henry informs one that the Philadelphians' fame would strengthened and that the enemies would fall before their feet. God was Overcoming the Poohbahs opposing God and His people in Philadelphia. It's a divine take-down and Philadelphians will get the mud of unbelievers on their shoes. Oh to see that with these American and English Bishops, humbling, brokenness, and enrollment in a Theological Rehab Center for Clueless Dead-Beats.
For Bibliology, Prof. Reymond discusses criteria for the NT Canon: apostolicity, antiquity, orthodoxy, catholicity, concurrence with other books, and liturgical usages (e.g. catholicity)
For Soteriology, Prof. Berkhof tells us that the Holy Spirit gives life, is the source of the application of redemption, but also give gifts of craftsmanship, intelligence and insight. In keeping with that, Princeton Academy uses this hourly: "Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, help our minds, our thoughts and feelings. Give us insight and retentiveness of memory. Help us grasp the entire range scope from the inner to the outer ends. Help us see theology in relation to math, science, history, psychology, law, medicine, and the other spheres of Thy infinite providence. Help us peer into the underlying essence. Help us to peer into human souls and minds and see they are suffering. Help us see human motivations. Help us to see behind lying masks. Help us see into our own souls and correct wrong ideas. Help us to repent ASAP and take the junk to the junkyard, trusting in Christ alone. Keep us from all fools and proud poohbahs. Shape us, O LORD, by Thy all-sufficient Word and Thy omnipotent Spirit to walk humbly, being as wise as snakes but as harmless as doves. Cause us to walk with the wise and learned of history, those who walked in Thy faith, fear and reverence. Help us to build Thy kingdom and also to destroy Satan’s kingdom, we beseech Thee. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen."
For Apostolic Christianity, Mr. Schaff discusses the nature of church history as divine and human. Schaff falls face-forward with nose-to-the-ground by characterizing God's divine providence as "fatalism and pantheism." This mistake, unsuspected yet in a developing sniffs around Schaff's soul and mind, betrays a contempt-worthy dismissal for cause. It was defamatory and insulting to God's dignity, honor and providence. No wonder the German Reformed fell hard in the 20th century with men like this.
For Medieval Christianity, Mr. Schaff discusses the missionary activities in the Northern and Western territories from 590-1073, bringing salvation but also other civilizational benefits to the varied tribesmen. We are wondering if Schaff is Hegelianized but are watching.
For the Swiss Reformation, Mr. Schaff comments on Zwingli's view of the Eucharist and his view on the likely salvation of various Graeco-Roman authors outside the covenant of grace.
For the Creeds, Mr. Schaff, recently demoted to Mister instead of Dr. or Prof., explains unnotably the simplicity of the Apostles Creed while noting the more complex confessions of the Reformation.
The WSC deals with the 4th-7th commandments that are restricted from use in divine worship.
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