Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch on Joshua. Matthew Henry on Revelation. Dr. Robert Reymond on Systematic Theology. Dr. Philip Schaff on the Swiss Reformation, namely, Ulrich Zwingli. Westminster Shorter Catechism, 61-70. Calvin indicates on Psalm 7 that a tribalist of Benjamin and, possibly, a lickspittle of Saul's is fiercely calumniating David. We'll see how this plays out. Prof. Keil discusses the reasons why circumcision was postponed rather than executed before the crossing of the Jericho. Interestingly, he notes that God acts redemptively and the sign of the covenant proceeds after the act. Prof. Reymond discusses the phrase "being borne along" as superintending and governing, in terms of God omnipotent work with the Old Testament. Prof. Schaff discusses the magistracy in Zurich as, rightly, a form of caesaro-papacy with the magistracy removed Roman bishops and assumes the episcopacy themselves. The WSC discusses the 4th through 7th commandments, once an anchor in churches and predicate for culture and society. Given the relativism today, many will be pulled under by the strong currents and riptides of ignorance, superstition and indifference.


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