Evening Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch on Joshua. Matthew Henry on Jude. Dr. Robert Reymond on Systematic Theology. Dr. Philip Schaff on the Swiss Reformation, namely, Ulrich Zwingli. Westminster Shorter Catechism, 61-70. On Psalm 5.4-6, one is reminded that with God, justice delayed is not justice denied. As reading through the Major and Minor Prophets, the wicked always get justice, either now or later. The elect should draw courage therefrom as they view the cultural lies and abominations. The elect should and will draw and learn in the FEAR of GOD. The Marcionites will pee on themselves. The Marcionites want their buntings, banners, balloon, crayons, coloring books, sandboxes, Tinker-toys, LEGOs, Lincoln logs and other toys for the boys and girls. On Joshua 3.7-17, Prof. Keil puts a theological bullet to Eichorn's puffy Teutonic head who denied the miracle of the Jordan's estoppage. Eichorn's god is a bed-wetting beta-boy. Meanwhile, Prof. Keil bows and salutes the divine Omnipotence. On Revelation 1.9-20, Prof. Henry warms to the subject of John on the isle of Patmos. He will shortly begin the stunning description of Jesus's risen and effulgent glory. If one ponders this, it's a first-rate mouth-stopped. Prof. Reymond discusses Jeremiah's ordination and appointment as a God-talker with God's Words in his mouth (Jer.1.4-10). The proud Poobahs of Jeremiah's days will deny that Jeremiah is God's mouthpiece. Prof. Schaff reviews the list of 67 propositions for debate in Grossmunster Cathedral, Switzerland, held in 1523 by permission of the magistracy. The gauntlet was laid down. WSC takes one through the 7th--to wit, adultery and all the other sexual sins of Sodomy, incest, bestiality and more.


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