Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
John Calvin on the Psalms. ISBE: Genesis. Keil: Genesis. Keil & Delitzsch:
Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah. ISBE: Matthew. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown:
Gospels. Romans: Prof. Hodge. Matthew Henry: Revelation. Prof. Hodge:
Systematic Theology. Dr. Robert Reymond: Systematic Theology. Prof. Berkhof,
Systematic Theology: Soteriology. Dr. Philip Schaff, Apostolic Christianity,
Medieval Christianity, Swiss Reformation and Creeds of Christendom. EDT. CCC. Westminster
Larger Catechism, 47-50.
Psalm 17, Prof. Calvin spent a bit too much time on grammar and the message was
missed, other than a generic call to stay the eye on Jehovah.
on Genesis: Prof. R. K. Harrison works out his proposition of eleven tablets
structuring Genesis.
Genesis 1: Prof. Keil discussed the commanded tradition to read the Torah every
seven years and for the king to be a Torah-reader all the days of his life and
Joshua 15, Joshua discusses more real-estate issues for Joseph’s progeny.
Isaiah 5.1-7, Prof. Henry further comments on the destruction of the Vineyard,
having had the Word of God yet having dismissed it. The Assyrian and Babylonian
Captivities belong to the sensus plenior of the chapter in our view.
on Matthew: Dr. Dagner comments more on the specific titles for Jesus in Matthew’s
Gospel. Get this all right and the Pope must put his proud nose to the ground,
including Protestant Popes.
Mathew 4.1-11, Prof. Jamiesson notes how Satan finally takes his deceptive mask
off and Jesus commands Satan to get out.
Romans, Prof. Hodge discusses Romans 1.4 and the resurrection as a public and
open attestation of the Messianic Person, fully God and fully human in the One
Person. We would add, get the Christology accurate and the other loci will and
are shaped by that.
Revelation 11.14-19, Prof. Henry notes how the inhabitants of heaven rise from
their seats, falls prostrate before the LORD, and offer joyful acclamation of
Systematic Theology, Prof. Hodge discussed natural and revealed theology when
answering the question “What is Theology?”
Theology Proper, Prof. Reymond further discusses several passages using the
word “kabod” or “glory” as appended to each and every divine attribute. Most
commendably, the Prof. is working like a good catechetist.
Soteriology, Prof. Berkhof talks about faith as the instrumental cause and
appropriating organ of justification. We would add faith disclaiming faith as a
ground of justification while averring rest and reliance on Christ alone.
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