Evening Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. ISBE: Genesis. Keil: Genesis. Keil & Delitzsch: Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah. ISBE: Matthew. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown: Gospels. Romans: Prof. Hodge. Matthew Henry: Revelation. Prof. Hodge: Systematic Theology. Dr. Robert Reymond: Systematic Theology. Prof. Berkhof, Systematic Theology: Soteriology. Dr. Philip Schaff, Apostolic Christianity, Medieval Christianity, Swiss Reformation and Creeds of Christendom. EDT. CCC. Westminster Larger Catechism, 102.
For Psalm 18, Prof. Calvin obfuscates a perspicuous text of 18.1. But, then, he’s a commentator and we expect such. But little-to-nothing was offered that the text itself does not present. But, we soldier on. If nothing else, Calvin has the comfort and confidence that justification by faith alone by Christ's merits alone brings. That recurs thematically. The root and tree of that central doctrine has many other salutary branches.
ISBE on Genesis: Prof. R. K. Harrison further discusses archaeological discoveries in Ur of Chaldees.
For Genesis 1: Prof. Keil repeats emphatically his trust in the historicity of the Creation account.
For Joshua 19, Joshua describes land allocation, towns and villages to Issachar.
For Isaiah 5.8-17, Prof. Henry continues to give divine reactions and denunciations of mindless and insensate humans who all the advantages of God’s Word, Law, Gospel and more.
ISBE on Matthew: Dr. Dagner gives more “perhaps and probablisms” without stating his own view on dating. Gimme some Dr. Donald Guthrie, thank you.
For Mathew 4.12-25, Prof. Jamiesson elaborates on Isaianic prophecies about Jesus, the Son of David. Oh oh! God can sovereignly issue predictive prophecies!! Send the memo to many theologians!!
For Romans, Prof. Hodge again in 1.19-20 notes the knowledge that the heathens and unregenerates have about God, knowing God, but denying Him while knowing Him, becoming vain in the head, and being perpetual ingrates. Paul is not gonna go easy in what follows.
For Revelation 13.1-10, Prof. Henry discusses the on-going ragings of the first of the two beasts, two deputies of the Red Dragon-Satan of Revelation 12. Hence, an emphasis on the war of the ages.
In the Global Anglican, Dr. Jensen describes the attributes of the “invisible church.” But, what of the visible church in its fractures? Dr. Jensen seems to have skirted that, but his point is taken. The visible church has always had "fractures" while the invisible church consists of the elect and justified saints.
For Systematic Theology, Prof. Hodge discusses predictive prophecy back to Gen. 3.15, amidst many others as proofs of divine inspiration.
For Theology Proper, Prof. Reymond introduces divine and infinite knowledge and wisdom, vis a vis WSC 4. One values of this ST is his catechesis and love of the WSC.
For Soteriology, Prof. Berkhof discusses good works, both by the regenerate and unregenerate. Different motive, means and goals are distinguished.
For Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 1 (0-100) Prof. Schaff further discusses the census of Quirinius, Luke 2.2, for dating the nativity.
For Medieval Christianity, Vol. 4 (590-1049), Prof. Schaff speaks of the Greek and then Roman jurisdiction as Christianity proceeds in medieval Bulgaria.
For the Swiss Reformation Vol. 8 (1519-1605), Prof. Schaff again discusses the Helvetic Confessions, the 1st and 2nd Confessions, tripping again rudely over “strict” Calvinism. Poor fella keeps stepping in it. Not an exegete, but an historian getting out of his lane in the channel (again).
EDT on Process Theology: more babblegabbing gobbledygook from Alfred Whitehead, rising to the heavens in esoteric and technical jargon. Few will understand it other than the privileged Gnostics.
For the Creeds of Christendom, Prof. Schaff notes that the 1868 invitation to Vatican 1 would include “Greek schismatics” and “Protestant heretics,” inviting them back to the one, true, faithful sheepfold.
CCC: more of the “God is just trying” theology and the Noahic Covenant. Rome sounds like many evangelical Arminians here.
Westminster Larger Catechism 102:
Q. 102. What is the sum of the four commandments which contain our duty to God?
A. The sum of the four commandments containing our duty to God, is, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength, and with all our mind.


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