John Foxe: "Acts and Monuments" (1556), Vol. 8, p. 31
( ) John Foxe curiously fast-forwards from the 1544 letter to the 1550-1551 Cranmer-Wily literary skirmishings, row and combat on the Eucharist. Foxe summarizes it this way: “…that at last he [DPV, Cranmer] took upon him the defence of that whole doctrine, that is, to refute and throw down first the corporal presence; secondly, the phantastical transubstantiation; thirdly, the idolatrous adoration; fourthly, the false error of the papists, that wicked men do eat the natural body of Christ; and lastly, the blasphemous sacrifice of the mass. Whereupon in conclusion he wrote five books for the public instruction of the church of England, which instruction yet to this day standeth, and is received in this church of England” (35).
Send the memo from Foxe to ACNA's New Oxfordian-Zillas, e.g. Slick Shifty, Ackerman, Iker and co-religionists, and FCE's Fenwick. Cf.
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