Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. ISBE: Genesis. Keil: Genesis. Keil & Delitzsch: Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah. ISBE: Matthew. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown: Gospels. Romans: Prof. Hodge. Matthew Henry: Revelation.
For Psalm 18, Prof. Calvin notes, in Reformed fashion of confidence and assurance, that God is sufficiently strong and powerful to repel all the dangers and calamities with which David was assailed. Well now, Laud, we realize you prefer infantilized people who would not and could not confront your Imperiousness—either of yourself as Mr. Thorough of uniformity or your hapless, proud King Charles 1. Calvinists are lions who know where the hyenas lurk.
ISBE on Genesis: Prof. R. K. Harrison discusses marriage, adoption, concubinage and inheritance laws that were strictly enforced in the Mesopotamian and near eastern contexts, illustrating ably the situations with Abraham and Jacob, all quite according to the customs. Well, now, Graffies, I guess all this illustrates your willful ignorance in these ANE customs.
For Genesis 1: Prof. Keil discusses “barah” in 1.1ff.
For Joshua 19, Joshua further describes land allocation to Asher.
For Isaiah 5.8-17, Prof. Henry likens Judah to sinners who’ve weakened others and have aided in uprooting the roots and strengths of the people. We would add that "being strong" is a tool that God uses to strengthen His people, challenging the predators, stiffening the resolve of the weaker, and enabling in other defenses of His Majesty's Vineyard. Think of the God-given strengths to the varied Prophets and Apostles--not weak men.
ISBE on Matthew: Dr. Dagner asks his question about Matthean authorship, discounting the uniform patristic testimony, refusing to answer his own postulated question, and leaves all in needless suspension and all without an answer. There is no reason for discounting the patristic testimony, notably, Eusebius who was no mean scholar. We’ll happily take our leave of Dr. Dagner tonight. Looking over at the venerable Dr. Donald Guthrie, a Bishop in NT studies.
For Mathew 4.12-25, Prof. Jamiesson discusses John and the Synoptics on the order and place of Jesus’s calling of disciples.
For Romans, Prof. Hodge on 1.25 shows the “exchange” and “change” the unconverted make of the knowledge of God implanted in their souls, changing the revelation of the Divine Creator into “creature” worship.
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