Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
LECTIONS. John Calvin on the Psalms. ISBE: Genesis. Keil: Genesis. Keil & Delitzsch: Joshua. Matthew Henry: Isaiah. ISBE: Matthew. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown: Gospels. Romans: Prof. Hodge. Matthew Henry: Revelation. Prof. Hodge: Systematic Theology. Dr. Robert Reymond: Systematic Theology. Prof. Berkhof, Systematic Theology: Soteriology. Dr. Philip Schaff, Apostolic Christianity, Medieval Christianity, Swiss Reformation and Creeds of Christendom. EDT. CCC. Westminster Larger Catechism, 111.
For Psalm 18, Prof. Calvin describes further heavens, winds, clouds, sunshine and other atmospheric metaphors for God. Better than the 666-Process Theologians, high on esoteric mumbo-jumbo for the Gnostics.
ISBE on Genesis: Prof. R. K. Harrison gives a 3-part outline to Exodus, highlighting the link to Genesis.
For Genesis 1: Prof. Keil discusses day three of creation.
For Joshua 19, Joshua gives more geography.
For Isaiah 5.8-17, Prof. Henry again comments on Isaiah’s description of God’s armies coming quickly to do God’s business. See comments on Islam below.
ISBE on Mark: Dr. R. P. Martin notes that there were no commentaries on Mark’s Gospel until the fifth century with Victor of Syria. Matthew and Luke had commentators. Also, quite noticeably, all believed in Matthean priority while the Germans picked their usual fights with their German accents. German was invented as a language in which to scold children.
For Mathew 4.12-25, Prof. Jamiesson discusses demon possession, but directly and indirectly.
For Romans, Prof. Hodge surveys Romans 2.
For Revelation 14.1-5, Prof. Henry following John returns to the vista of Christ exalted in His Throne Room with on-going, conquering praise. Enough of the Red Dragon in 12 and the Beasts in 13. Jesus is Almighty. Those Demons are bit-players and are creatures.
In the Global Anglican, Dr. Foster talks about Pentecostalism in Latin America, something the Latinos preferred over liberation theology.
For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge brings the Dogmatic Rationalist down from the high horse, noting that they have “worshipped” (our word) reason.
For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Reymond marvellously talks about the seraphs in Isaiah vision of Jesus Christ in Isaiah 6. Even the seraphs cover themselves from the full effulgence of Jesus in His preincarnate glory.
For Ecclesiology (locus 6), Prof. Berkhof discusses the two Hebrew words and two Greek terms for the “church” as God’s assembly.
For Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 1 (0-100) Prof. Schaff discusses the date of Christ’s death, the 14th or 15th of Nisan.
For Medieval Christianity, Vol. 4 (590-1073), Prof. Schaff declares the Islamism was the well-deserved punishment for unfruitful Eastern and Middle Eastern speculations, idolatries, iconodulatries, iconolatrianism, empty cereomonialism and pride. Archbishop Trench calls Islam a “scourge of God on a guilty church…even against a church bearing His name.” The Greeks, among other things, cared about the Filoque while Rome pontificated about Petrine supremacy.
For the Swiss Reformation Vol. 8 (1519-1605), Prof. Schaff speaks of Farel who Oecolamadius said to Luther was “equal to the Sorbonne. He called Erasmus a “coward” and some agree with that. Farel, rough and fearless, preached the perfection of Scriptures, Christian liberty, the Gospel, justification by faith alone and against images, purgatory and other backstop efforts to shore up Romanist inadequacies on justification. Calvin would later advise Farel to take a Xanex.
EDT on Process Theology: the mark of the beast, 666, distinguishes the process theologians as they lift their tails and vent hot gase about: God not knowing contingent future events, that God grows Himself with the process of the world, that God is supremely relative, that all “is” God and “God” is all, and that God is the “self-surpassing surpassing.” All an assault on God, His Self-Disclosure and classical theology. Again, one had to teach 1 year of a Piskie SS adult curriculum laced with these poisons. Unforgettable. Meanwhile, the PB Mike Curry is an oxy-comatose man with a smile only.
For the Creeds of Christendom, Prof. Schaff observes that this forever settled the debate between the Ultramontanists and Gallicans, threatening loss of salvation to deniers of Papal infallibility, including the pitiable Old Catholics—Dollinger, von Schutz, and Reinkens. Submit or be expelled. These diktats still waft amongst the old hands.
1994 CCC: the Curial boasters tell us that God’s Word couldn’t and doesn’t stand without the Magisterium. We robustly deny in the whole. Sit down and learn from the Law, Prophets, and Apostles on the sufficiency of Scriptures. Stop venting gas and demanding docility.
Westminster Larger Catechism 111:
Q. 111. Which is the third commandment?
A. The third commandment is, Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
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