
Showing posts from July, 2020

Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#16): Teachers of the Faith (ch.9),...


Thomas Cranmer: Jasper Ridley (#32): Formularies & the Bible (ch.8), 115ff.

Some theological hints emerge in 1536 and 1537, but Dr. Cranmer is swimming with a lot of sharks in the water too. The size of the "ecclesiastical machinery," which is sizeable, cannot be understated. By 1536-1537, Dr. Cranmer's reputation as an "heretic" had gone far north to Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, as well as Essex, Suffolk and Kent in the south. But, by whom and how? (Christ Church, Canterbury, amongst the monks is one hotbed in Canterbury.) The chattering-communications-networks?

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#20): Competing Moral Visions, (ch.4...


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#12): 3rd Primal Revelati...


Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#21): Ch 5, Providence, pp....


7/31/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 148; Proverbs 25; Romans 1; WSC 81-88


Thomas Watson's A Body of Divinity (#29): Westminster Shorter Catechism ...


Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#30): Stillingfleet, Beveridg...


Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#29): Milton Anthony...


7/30/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 144-146; Proverbs 23; Acts 28.17-31...


John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#26): Luke 2.1-7, pp.71ff.


John Bright: History of Israel (#1): Ancient Orient before 2000 BC, p.23f.


Keil & Delitzsch: Old Testament Commentary (#1): Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,...


Keil & Delitzsch: Old Testament Commentary (#1): 1 & 2 Chronicles, p.1ff.


Keil & Delitzsch: Old Testament Commentary (#1): 1 & 2 Kings


Keil & Delitzsch's Old Testament (#1) : 1 & 2 Samuel: Introduction, p.1ff.


Dr. Roland K. Harrison's "Isaiah" (#2), ISBE, pp.886ff.


Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#10): Sin Offerings--Leviticus 4, pp.61ff.


Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#22): Detour-Rom 1.18: ἐπὶ πᾶσαν ἀσέ...


7/29/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 139-140; Proverbs 21; Acts 28.1-16;...


Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (#1): Schizophrenia/...


Laud's Trial (#5): Articles of Impeachment & Inditements, 39ff.


Dr. R.K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament (#2): Background Th...


Dr. Donald Guthrie: New Testament Introduction (#2): The Gospels, pp.18ff.


7/28/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 132-135; Proverbs 19; Acts 27; WSC ...


Dr. Theodore Zahn: Intro to the New Testament (#2): NT Language & Histor...


Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#10): Law of Homocide--Manslaughter, pp.1...


Manual of the Book of Common Prayer (#6): J.Davies--Introduction. pp.29ff.


Character Sketches (#21): "Courage:" Wood Duck & Naaman (2 Kings 5)


Manual of the Book of Common Prayer (#5): J.Davies--Introduction. pp.26ff.


Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#9): Law of Homocide--Mutual Quarrel or C...


Dr. Theodore Zahn: Intro to the New Testament (#1): Introduction, p.v


Dr. R.K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament (#1): Introduction,...


John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#26): Genesis 3.8-24, pp.159ff.


7/27/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 120-125; Proverbs 17; Acts 26; WSC ...


Laud's Trial (#4): Scottish Commissioners against the Prelate of Canturb...

Who likes and supports Laud? Wonder how he would have fared with modern polling data? There's a lot of smoke. Now, where's the fire and how big is it? Half, if not more, of what Will is doing is political and imperiously so. Who were his friends? Arminians and Jesuits? The jury is hearing the evidence.

Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#21): Detour-Rom 1.18: ἐπὶ πᾶσαν ἀσέ...


Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#9): Peace Offerings--Leviticus 3/Sin Offerings...


Dr. Roland K. Harrison's "Isaiah" (#1), pp.885ff.


John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#25): Mt.1.18-25, pp.65ff.


Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#29): Stillingfleet, Beveridg...


Thomas Watson's A Body of Divinity (#28): Westminster Shorter Catechism ...


7/26/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 119.105-144; Proverbs 15.18-end; Ac...


Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#20): Ch 4-Creation, pp.126ff.


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#11): 3rd Primal Revelati...


Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#19): Historical Roots of the Cultur...


Thomas Cranmer: Jasper Ridley (#31): Formularies & the Bible (ch.8), 110ff.

One juror inclines to Prof. Ridley's assertion that Dr. Cranmer knew Anne Boleyn was innocent, but proceeded, under Henry's regime, to "nullify" the marriage to Anne and to "bastardize" Elizabeth. Perhaps cases of "sociopathy" are on offer, e.g. Henry and Crumwell? Dr. Cranmer, the ever-loyal Tudor Churchman and Prince, does his duty. We're still getting nothing on Dr. Cranmer's theology or historical theology. Inquiring minds are asking.

Thirty-Nine Articles: W.H.G. Thomas (# 28): Article 2--Word or Son of Go...


Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#15): Deposit of the Faith (ch.8), ...

Again, problems are noted in this historian's handling of the Canon, in what appears to be a common trope amongst some historians. ??. The close and tight logical analysis continues. We're at periscope depth and rigged for ultra quiet. "Bring 'er around to a 005 degree angle on the beam."

Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#10): "Confutation of Unwritten V...

CDR Tom Cranmer: "Combat Center, I'm closing in on Rome. Do I have permission to drop my payload onto the Vatican?" Combat Center: "Commander Cranmer, fire at will!" Thomas Cranmer continues to assert the infallibility, necessity, sufficiency, authority and perspicuity of the Sacred Canon.

St. James the Apostle: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 119.33-72; 2 Kings 1....


Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#14): "Canon" (ch.3), 71ff.: Deto...

Detour from Prof. Grudem to OT Canon with an article by Dr. Roland K. Harrison of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. Of serious note, ZERO in Prof. Bruggemann (thus far) in his OTT. We're at periscope depth and watching closely. How does one write an OT Theology and omit the "canon" issue?

Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#16): The Inspiration of Holy Sc...

Karl Barth and Emil Brunner, the dynamic and noisy duo of the anti-orthodoxy (falsely called the neo-orthodox but were not orthodox), were escorted over the brig following their conviction at trial for theological defamation and theft. Throw the keys aways. Bye, bye fellas. Error always comes in elegant dress and smooth palaver. Barthianism is a soft and academic version of Montanism. Nothing new under the sun. Same error, different name and different centruy. Prof. Allison is an able prosecutor. He got a conviction today.

Church History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (#30): The Church Closes Ranks (ch.1...

Not fully pleased with his remarks on the canon. Far, far too concessionary to more modern and standard narratives. God is the Canon and His apostles the Vox Dei et Verbum Dei ad populam.

7/24/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 116-118; Proverbs 14.9-28; Acts 24;...


0:07 / 23:13 New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 30):...


Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#30): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther


History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#11)--Ch.4: Oecolampadiu...


Character Sketches (#20): "Courage:" King David (1 Sam.21.10ff.)


Manual of the Book of Common Prayer (#4): J.Davies--Introduction. pp.18ff.


John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#25): Genesis 3.1-24


Laud's Trial (#3): Scottish Commissioners against the Prelate of Canturb...

Hazmat suits required. Laud is a "precisionist" on matters that don't matter. On matters that matter, he's theologically wrong. Aside from liturgical impositions ("my way or the highway" Laud on marriage rings, crossing in baptism, eastward table and clothes...again and again and again from these types), Laud's Arminianism directs itself against justification by faith alone. Preach just works, fellas, he orders the SEC Bishops. As a result of the Arminianism, the sacraments are affected, e.g. Ubiquitiarianism and baptismal regeneration. This is anti-Cranmerian. "Authority," another issue, is the subtext to the English-Scottish divide. Laud was going north to set the Scots aright. Where's James Ussher when ya' need an ABC like that? Also, Laud uses "preferments" and "better bishoprics" for leveraging, used then, used now. Laud will tell the Scottish Kirke how it will be. The results are predictable. Laud's...

Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#20): Detour-Rom 1.18: τὴν ἀλήθειαν ...

τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἐν ἀδικίᾳ κατεχόντων = suppressing, imprisoning, holding down, proactively repressing the truth in unrighteousness (Rom.1.18). The thumbnail picture is not an exaggeration. This interior, psychiatric, psychological, intellectual, volitional and moral force "suppresses" God's revelation. The sinfulness of the sinful instinct is to obscure, hide and minimize God's speech in natural revelation. Results? Idols of all kinds.

Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#8): Peace Offerings--Leviticus 3

Q. 33. What is justification? A. Justification is an act of God's free grace, wherein he pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone. Q. 34. What is adoption? A. Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of, the sons of God. Q. 35. What is sanctification? A. Sanctification is the work of God's free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness. Q. 36. What are the benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, adoption and sanctification? A. The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, adoption and sanctification, are, assurance of God's love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, increase of grace, and perseverance therein to t...

7/23/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 110-113; Proverbs 12; Acts 23.12-en...


John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#24): Mt.1.18-25

τέξεται δὲ υἱὸν καὶ καλέσεις τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦν, αὐτὸς γὰρ σώσει τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν = And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Mt.1.21) Can still hear Bishop Theophilus Herter, ThD, smilingly, joyfully and with emphasis, waxing long on the reflexive pronoun in αὐτὸς γὰρ σώσει. To wit and accurately, "He Himself will save..." The English misses the reflexive pronoun entirely. Even Calvin didn't note it, but old Bishop Herter was at his finest on the reflexive pronoun, to wit, "Jesus Himself, Jesus alone, Jesus and no other" shall save His people. And offwards the goodly Bishop would lecture (more than once) on the finality, firmness, certainty and definitude of Christ's salvation, "accomplished and applied." B.B. Warfield would have smiled at the Bishop's joys and exegesis. Dr. Cranmer would have too. Oh, a great memory of a goodly scholar--hum...

Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#28): Confusions with More of...

It will be a great, great pleasure to finish this volume on the Anti-Trinitarian efforts of these Arminian, Anglican clerics like George Bull and others (mistakenly called the "holy living" crowd). As for the proper nomenclature, they are "proud" and "self-righteous" men, to a man denying that Romans 7 applies to a justified saint. Bishop Barlow of Lincoln was, to his credit, calling these men to account as Papists and Socinians. Crypto-Papists with elegant words, nice robes, nice BCPs and more--but deniers of gratuitious justification. Bishop Allison perpetuates the myth by calling them the "holy living" divines repeatedly, yet failing to notice how their doctrines are Anti-Christian sub-textually, even deceptively so. He can't and doesn't go that far. Other disciplines more widely are not evident here. The end of this book can't come fast enough. Once done, it shall never be reread. We understand the ACNA-catechism is soft on...

Thomas Watson's A Body of Divinity (#27): Westminster Shorter Catechism ...


Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#19): Ch 4-Creation, pp.119ff.


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#10): Primal Revelation (...

A torrent of words which is not much more than that. A torrent of winds that pass over and are not useful or memorable. No signs of other disciplines informing his OT work. Not recommended. Totally un-useful for Pastors. UCC-noise. Little-to-no exegesis, just "enthusiasms." Review based on reading 10% of the volume. If this doesn't pick up or get "new rudders' orders," the preliminary review shall stand.

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#18): Historical Roots of the Cultur...

Prof. Hunter continues his exposition of the cultural chasm between classical forces in Romanism, Protestantism, and Jewry and the religiously hostile, pagan, retrogressivists inside the same well as those, who honestly ditch organized faith orientations, but share the same pagan hostilities as the retrogressivsts in the churches. As usual, "renaming" and "proper branding" by yours truly is presented to "get the facts right." Progressives are not progressive (e.g. pro-baby killing, defamation, etc.). Secularists are not secular but are foundationally "religious" to the core, "suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and creating their own alleged truth claims" (Rom.1.18). Good naming identifies the errorists who come in elegant clothes and sophisticated speech to deceive the wary, the weary, the naive, the non-reader, the unsophicated, the uncatecethized and non-theologian. A decent exposition by Prof. Hunter that s...

7/22/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 107; Proverbs 11.1-15; Acts 22.23-2...


"Thomas Cranmer:" Jasper Ridley (#30): Fall of Anne Boleyn (ch.7), 103ff.


Thirty-Nine Articles: W.H.G. Thomas (# 27): Article 2--Of the Word or So...


Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#9): "Confutation of Unwritten Ve...

The F-18 aerial runs with ordnance-on-target with precision-guided bombs is laid down by Dr. Thomas Cranmer. To wit, Dr. Cranmer, an ace pilot, is advocating Sola Scriptura and putting rounds on those who add and subtract, or, attack and derogate, or blaspheme against God's Canon. Yes, blaspheme the Canon and canon. Dr. Cranmer is an ace pilot too. Send the memo to all Bishops and clergy worldwide. Up the game, fellas! Otherwise, Dr. Cranmer will commence aerial runs over targets with his precision-guided bombs! Thank you, Dr. Cranmer.

Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#13): "Canon" (ch.3), 64ff.


Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#15): The Inspiration of Holy Sc...

Review of the modern period of the assault on the Canon (God) and His canon: Deists like Herbert of Chertbury and Matthew Tindale as well as Schleiermacher and Bushnell. The Deists exalted themselves like the later experientialists. Efforts to "tame" divine inspiration making it equivalent to human experience were made. Essentially, "Marcionism-and-Montanism Revisited" but with different names and a different historical period. Dr. Gregg Allison has done good work here. A Trinitarian heresy. Blasphemy of the Trinity. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Protestant liberalism = foundationally, blasphemous.

7/21/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 105; Proverbs 9-10.15; Acts 21.37-2...


New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 29): NT Canon, 10...

A discussion of Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Polycarp, Irenaeus and Tertullain re: the revered, accepted, cherished, canonical NT books--long cherished throughout the old imperial church, with a few pockets questioning James, 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John and Jude. Hebrews and Revelation had wide reverence too, although a few pockets had questions. The cherished canon had been revered and long-accepted since the writings were issued. Prof. Harrison is not forceful enough for this scribe.

Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#29): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther


History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#10)--Ch. 3: Zwingli & t...

A fair presentation of the aims and results of the Diet of Augsburg, the Protest of Speyer, the Marburg Colloquy with its stalement, the impertinence and rudeness of Luther and Melancthon, the verbosity of Martin Bucer, the Eucharistic views of Zwingli and Zwingli's death at Cappel, 1531. The story will shift to Oecolampadius and Henrich Bullinger in Switzerland, the latter becoming most highly revered in English Reformed circles.

7/20/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 102-103; Proverbs 7 Acts 21.17-27; ...


Character Sketches (#19): "Courage:" Eastern Hognose Snake & King David ...

Snakes--coloration, camouflage, eyes, noses, teeth and more. No wonder they are often used to describe "infiltators" with hidden agendas. Snakes do what God created them to do. Infiltrators do what they do by nature too...let's just say, "τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἐν ἀδικίᾳ κατεχόντων."

Manual of the Book of Common Prayer (#2): J.Davies--Introduction. pp.13ff.

The beautiful context is established for Dr. Cranmer's reforms. One can see his work since the late 1530s but also into the 1540s, despite oppositional forces at work in the hierarchy and varied other places. An excellent digest of developments. That Dr. Cranmer even survived the Prebendaries' Plot, a murderous, complex conspiracy, 1540-1543, from Canterbury to London to OXBRIDGE to Winchester..that he survived this conspiracy is stilling amazing. Numerous forces had come together--with malice aforethought and murderous designs on Dr. Cranmer. A known man! A Reformer with a big target on his back. Henry plucked his Archbishop from the fires, providentially. Something akin to Daniel in the lion's den or the Esther-Mordedai story of the 5th century BC. Amazing. And we still have Dr. Cranmer's BCP to this day! Conserving the theological thoughts of "master minds" through the centuries.

Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#8): Law of Homocide--Murder, Manslaughte...

What of the Conquest by Joshua? Lawful homocides, that is, the killing of human beings by other human beings under divine orders. The modern cannot conceive of God as a "life-giver-and-life-taker." They only think of His Majesty as a "life-giver." What was Dr. Cranmer's relationship to the back-channel game (and it certainly was that, perhaps for several months) to kill Anne Boleyn? Was Tom a principal? Was this a lawful homocide? What were the roles of Chapuys (our reliable Spanish ambassador and truth-teller), Charles V, (the ever-malignant and malicious) Reginald Pole, (lusty) Henry VIII and (the ultimate gamer) Thomas Cromwell? Was Anne just a sacrificial lamb for other ends, e.g. pacify Charles V and ensuring geo-political balances while satisfying Henry's uncontrolled emotions and lusts? The musings continue apace. God doesn't ask questions, debate common law or examine witnesses, but has every known motive in every player's heart in mind--a...

John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#24): Genesis 3.1-24


Laud's Trial (#2): Speeches in Commons, pp.27ff.

What role did Laud play in the Civil War? Willy seemed to annoy half the nation of England? The grand jury has heard the evidence in the Commons and Lords. Now, for the trial. Still reading the bill of indictments.

Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#20): Detour-Rom 1.18: τὴν ἀλήθειαν...

τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἐν ἀδικίᾳ κατεχόντων = arrest, detain, enchain, suppress, and imprison divine revelation--possessing and illegally holding down the divine revelation--a psychiatrically dynamic instinct of repression, subversion, irreverence and giddy indifference. Such is the unregenerate, godless, and irreverent person in the First Adam. An arresting participle!

Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#7): Drink Offering--Leviticus 2/Peace Offering...

Was not quite expecting the "joy and power" of the Gospel to this effect in Leviticus. Was expecting more of the liturgical details about the offerings (and that is meeting expectations), but the "joy of the Gospel?" Why, of course, Mr. Veitch. It's the Gospel old boy. What a joy! What access to the eternal God! What peace of conscience! Romans 5.1-2: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." A simple point above, but a good one. The Gospel of Atonement and redemption in Leviticus. Meanwhile, we're reading of the dead-beat "holy living crowd" (Taylor, Laud, Forbes, Cosin, Montagu and others) of the 17th century. They were a joyless and precisionist crowd, talking about rituals rather than the joys of an everlastingly abiding, eternally efficaceous redemption, accomplished and...

John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#23): Mt.1.1-8 & Luke 3.23-38--Gene...


7/19/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 95-97; Proverbs 5.17-end; Acts 21.1...

Regnal Psalms of God's infinite majesty are expressed in Psalms 95-97. Solomon lectured on monogamy. When did he come to that view in light of his own manifold corruptions and lusts with 1000 foreign wives? (Biblical characters, at times, make huge mistakes and Solomon's polyamory is one of them. Yet, he speaks of rejoicing with the "wife of your youth"). Paul is pressing onwards to Jerusalem. Of note, Luke is with him. Historical research for St. Luke's Gospel? He was an historian after all. A theological historian and historical theologian. Aside from St. Paul, what historical work is the physician doing? Acts 21 has the "we" passages.

Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#27): Milton Anthony...

The awful subject of Laud, the Arminians, the liturgical precisionists seeking to trouble the Church (Laud, Montague, Cosin and and a host of other disturbers known as the "Durham House" sect), and other proto-anarchists will contribute seriously to theological disasters in later decades. The criminal laws of libel and defamation are needed to aid in the analysis of these infiltrating Arminians and troublers of God's Church. We're continuing to read the trial transcript of Laud's indictment and conviction by the Parliament.

Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#26): Westminster Shorter Catechism...

That goodly lil' WSC and Rev. Watson never grow old. A catechism for the children and the old folks too. Ever-solid.

Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#27): More Anglican Confusion...

More confusions from the crypto-Romanist George Bull. Bishop Fitzsimons Allison, while doing a thorough job, is not successfully disentangling Bull from Tridentism, what Bishop Hall called "accursed Tridentism."

Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#18): Ch 3-Decrees of God. ...


Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#16): Historical Roots of the Cultur...

Prof. Hunter discussed the religious changes of the 20th century including the weakening of denominational loyalties, intra-denominational conflicts in all faith groups, and the proliferation of para-church-special-agenda groups within and without the church. A provocative and thought-invoking piece of work by Prof. Hunter.

7/18/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 90-92; Proverbs 3.27-4.20; Acts 20....

These three Psalms are golden. The rabbis thought Psalm 91-100 were written by Moses. Moses was a song-writer. Music is a gateway to theological training, learning and as an expression of God's "most worthy praise." Proverbs enjoins pursuit of knowledge and wisdom--no anti-intellectualism there. Further, there is the "doctrine of avoidance," to wit, steering clear of unwise and unlearned people. Acts gives St. Paul's final message to the Ephesian elders at Miletus. Paul preached the "whole counsel of God," to wit, the Trinity and redemption from the OT. The WSC discusses the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Prayer. The WSC never grows old.

"Thomas Cranmer:" Jasper Ridley (#29): Fall of Anne Boleyn (ch.7), 100ff.

Thomas Cranmer's letter to Henry on 3 May 1536 regarding Anne Boleyn was parsed. Further exegetical work is required on that letter. More context is needed. There is an oleaginous quality and sycophancy in Tom (again). What options did he have? But, it's thick. What did the poor girl do? Flirtations? Adultery? Incest, as alleged? Did she cross Cromwell on the monastery-issue (fact)? This game will go down fast. Off to the Tower! Off with her head and Jane Seymour will be the new Queen within 30 days or so. Gerry-rigged, front-end to back-end. Just like the Dunstable Judgment axing Catherine of Aragon off has Henry's wife. That was a 30-day gig too. This letter is some courtly tap-dancing by Tom. What does he know? What does he really believe? Just when it couldn't have gotten worse, it does. We soldier on! Tom, a "nullifcation-machine" for Henry? Prof. Ridley is giving "zero information"--no information--on Dr. Cranmer's theology and developm...

Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#13): Defense of Faith (ch.7)


7/17/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 86-88; Proverbs 2; Acts 20.-17; WSC...


Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#8): "Confutation of Unwritten Ve...


7/16/20: Evening Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 82-85; Proverbs 1.20-end; Matthew 8...


Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#12): "Canon" (ch.3), or, the Can...


Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#14): The Inspiration of Holy Sc...


Church History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (# 28): Earnestly Contending for the...

Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Tertullian and Cyprian were reviewed with the characterizations offered by Prof. Cairns. Allusions to Jerome and Augustine were to be had. A rework and reread of the primary documents is ordered up, God willing.

7/16/20: Morning Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 79-81; Proverbs 1.1-19; Acts 19.19-...

Psalms attendant to national disasters. Assyrian or Babylonian invasions? Clear references to canonical authorities predating the Psalms, to wit, the Pentateuch. Paul gets "jammed up" in Ephesus with a crowd deploring the desertion of Dianna-worship and trade guilds fearing the loss of income. Paul's fame is noted beyond Ephesus as well, "throughout Asia." Word travels fast. We suspect the same dynamics are at work well into the period of the murderers--Emperor Trajan and Governor Pliny with the murders of Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna and others. The WSC involved the ten commandments, cited and explained.

New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 28): NT Canon


Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#27): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther


Dr. Dr. Matthew Everhard: Love God with All Your Mind (#3)--Revelation, ...


History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#9)--Ch. 3: Zwingli & th...

Ulrich Zwingli, no backwoodsman, proceeds with deliberativeness and sensibility, yet, with errors on music and organs. But, sola Scriptura is clearly a publicly held position in Zurich with a fretting Romanist bishop in the wing. Zwingli had read Ratramnus of Corbie, a 9th century monk, who held to a Reformed view of the Eucharistic Presence. We realize that's anachronistic to say Reformed, but it's useful too. Zwingli in 1527, taught "hoc figurat corpus meum." Predictably, the Teuton from Wittenberg launched one of his vitriolic attacks (once again) on Zwingli. The thundering from Germany would resound again at the Colloquy of Marburg, 1529, with the Wittenbergian showing (again) his ill-manneredness. We love Luther for some things and other things we must disavow, including Ubiquitarianism and Bread-Worship. Dr. Cranmer at this time--1527--has just finished his doctorate, D.D., and is examining ordinands with an incipient and maturing view of sola Scriptura. But,...

7/15/20: Evening Prayer (BCP)--Psalm 78; Job 42; Matthew 7; WSC 57-64


Character Sketches (#18): "Courage:" Eastern Hognose Snake (Laud the Sna...


Manual of the Book of Common Prayer (#1): J.Davies--Introduction


Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#7): Law of Homocide--Presumption of Mali...

God v. Emperor Trajan, pending God v. Pilate, pending God v. Governor Pliny, pending God v. Emperor Nero, pending God v. Emperor Marcus Aurelius, pending God v. Emperor Decius, pending God v. Diocletian, pending God v. Archbishop Arundel of Canterbury, pending God v. King Henry VIII, pending. God v. Queen Mary 1, pending. God v. King Philip 11, the Spaniard, pending. God v. Cardinal Reginold Pole, Archbishop of Canterbury, pending God v. Bishop Steven Gardiner, Winchester, pending God v. Bishop Edmund Bonner, London, pending God v. Rudolph Bultmann God v. Abortion-Authorizing Supreme Court Justices is pending God v. Abortionist Doctors and Nurses (class action), pending God v. Governor Mario Cuomo, NY, pending God v. Governor Northram, VA, pending Other cases are being opened up for evaluation, including the members of the Jewish Sanhedrin, Pilate and others. Revelation 21.8 and the Second Coming: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and...

John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#23): Genesis 3.1-24

No wonder Laud hated Calvin. The former was a pompous, Arch-Pontifical Prelate of Canterbury with a massive ego and Calvin, a spokesman for God's sovereignty, in a tiny town of Geneva, proceeded to defend God's sovereignty over all, including wee lil' kings. Laud couldn't handle that and he brought judgement on his own lil' head. Calvin "jobified" Laud. (See earlier discussions on the OT book of Job.)

7/15/20: Morning Prayer--Psalms 75-77; Job 38.19-41; Acts 18-19.21; WSC ...

Job = proper noun for the "Humbled and Silenced One" taken from the Old Testament. job = verb, active voice with direct objects: "to humble, to silence, to overwhelm someone." Example: God "jobed" Job and the other pontiphilic, Prelatical, and Pontificating talkers. job = past participle, "being jobified, being humbled, being overwhelmed." Example: Nebuchadnezzar, "being jobified," humbled his puffy heart. "Getting jobified" = a very unpleasant experience done without anesthesia and imposed by someone to, at, and upon another, usually an unwilling object of the action-verb, e.g. a Graf-Wallhausians "get jobified" by competent Biblical scholars.

Laud's Trial (#1): Speeches in Commons, pp.20ff.

9. Hee hath for the same trayterous, and wicked intent, chosen and imployed, such men to be his owne Domesticall Chaplaines, whom he knew to be notorious∣ly disaffected to the reformed Religion, grosly addicted to popish superstition, and erroneous, and unsound both in judgement and practise, and to them or some of them hath he committed the Licensing of Bookes to be printed, by which meanes divers false and superstitious bookes have beene published, to the great scandall of Religion, and to the seducing of many His Majesties Subjects. 10. Hee hath traiterously and wickedly endeavoured to reconcile the Church of England with the Church of Rome; and for the effecting thereof hath consorted, and confederated with diverse Popish Priests, and Jesuites; and hath kept secret in∣telligence with the Pope of Rome, and by himselfe his Agents and instruments, treated with such as have from thence received authoritie, and instruction, hee hath permitted, and countenanced a Popish Hierarchie, or ...

Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#6): Meat-Offering--Leviticus 2

These Levitical studies, God willing, must continue. Christ's sacrifice (burnt-offering), Self-dedication (meal offering) and His righteousness imputed to us is our hope, confidence and joy! The eclipse and loss of Levitical studies are concerning, at the least.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#19): Romans 1.28-32


7/13/20: Evening Prayer (BCP)--Psalms 69-70; Job 33-38.19; Matthew 6.1-19


Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#26): Milton Anthony...


Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#25): Westminster Shorter Catechism...

God's infinite wisdom is observable in nature, redemption and providence. Despite the external hostilities in Rev. Watson's times (being ejected from St. Stephen's, London), there's not the slightest by way of political commentary. A godly Pastor and co-Pastor with Stephen Charnock at Crosby Hall, London.

Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#26): More Anglican Confusion...


Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#17): Ch 3-Decrees of God. ...


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#8): Primal Revelation (E...


Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#16): Historical Roots of the Cultur...


"Thomas Cranmer:" Jasper Ridley (#28): Early Reforms (chapter 6)

Prof. Ridley--monasteries go down, Henry dallies around with Lutherans, and Dr. Cranmer preaches a "barn-burner" against the Pope, monasteries, Purgatory, masses and St. Paul's Cross. 6 Feb 1536. Meanwhile, within a few months, Anne Boleyn's head will roll with Henry's follow-on marriage to Jane within a week or two. The Law of Homocide continues to be noted. Also, thefts and confiscations of lands and buildings, but more as that emerges.

Thirty-Nine Articles: W.H.G. Thomas (# 25): Artice 2--Of the Word or Son...


Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#12): Defense of Faith (ch.7)

Dr. Gonzalez speaks clearly and centrally about the "Defenders" of God in an unbelieving world of classical culture. Dr. Gonzalez illustrates that the "Defenders" aimed high at the centers of public advertisement, akin to our time with its self-appointed moderators in varied social platforms on FB, twitter, reddit and elsewhere. The ancient "Defenders" to those centers of power speak anew. Thank you Dr. Gonzalez for speaking for these ancient "Defenders." Insecurities arise in those hostile to the sovereignty of God and, hence, the need, from their sides, to close down discussions of God's majesty. True in the second century. True today.

Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#7): "Confutation of Unwritten Ve...

Someone had to cut it short. Too breath-taking to continue. Some rough stuff from the Preface that affords no consolation to Church leaders who, often, are the most vigorous persecutors of God's Church. Strong stuff! The Preface to Dr. Cranmer's "Confutation, an unknown editor by the initials E.P., lays it on thickly. Later, Dr. Cranmer will do the same but with straight-forward, scholarly facts. E.P. is getting it right. The Canon is the Cannon! Boom!

Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#11): "Canon" (ch.3), or, the Can...

In the General Thanksgiving, thanksgiving for these Warriors and defenders of the verbal, plenary, divinely inspired, canonical Scriptures: Clement of Rome, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, Origen, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Theordore of Mopsuestia, Gregory of Nyssa, Chrysostom, Eusebius, Irenaeus, Athanasius, Caius, Augustine, Jerome, Venerable Bede, Thomas Cranmer, Louis Gaussen, the Westminster divines, B.B. Warfield, F.F. Bruce, Roger Beckwith, Robert Dick Wilson, W.H. Green, W.H. Griffith Thomas, E.J. Young, D.A. Carson, John Woodbridge and others. And for Jim Boice, R.C. Sproul and the penman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy! The Canon is the Cannon (198-Howitzers). The Canon goes BOOM!

Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#13): The Inspiration of Holy Sc...

Warriors and defenders of the verbal, plenary, divinely inspired, canonical Scriptures: Clement of Rome, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, Origen, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Gregory of Nyssa, Chrysostom, Irenaeus, Caius, and Augustine (for starters, yeah, the whole early church to a man, even Theodore of Mopsuestia). Dr. Thomas Cranmer will invoke these names and views in his "Confutation of Unwritten Verities." This results in a BCP with "lots of Bible" for public worship. Zwingli came to these views too, quite early. 1523. What will happen when this is rediscovered?" (1) The 45-minutes of singing contemporary ditties, shaking their empty heads around, will be slowly replaced with a thoughtful 45 minutes of Bible reading. Time for the recovery of the understanding of the Canon, God Himself, speaking through, by and in the Omnipotent Word. (2) Those libboes singing the hot Lutheran music of Bultmann will toss Bultmann for the inspired Scriptures, amon...

Church History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (# 27): Earnestly Contending for th...

Defenders and warriors are raised up as benchmarks for their times and our times also: Aristides, Justin Martyr, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus of Antioch, Tertullian, Irenaeus, Tatian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Cyprian of Carthage. Men known to God and raised up in their times to defend Christ's Word, Canon and honor. We prefer the term "defenders" or "warriors" instead of the term "apologists." The English term, "apologists," lacks the "intellectual and moral umpf" of the original word, "apologia." Target practice and time on the "rifle range."

New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 27): NT Canon


Dr. Matthew Everhard: Love God with All Your Mind (#2)--Revelation, p.19ff.


History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#8)--Chapter 3: Zwingli ...

Sola Scriptura in 1523 in Zurich. Pope Adrian: "Can we bribe this fella, Zwingli?" Zwingli: "Nope, sorry old Boy."

Character Sketches (#17): "Courage:" Jonathan (1 Sam 14)


Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#5): Law of Homocide--Felony-Murder & New...


John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#22): Genesis 2.23-3.24


Laud's Trial (#1): Introduction


Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#5): Meat-Offering (Ch.1)--Leviticus 2

A top-tier volume that, rightly, sees the Gospel in Leviticus. Practical theology: Leviticus needs much more visibility as the expression of the gracious covenant of salvation. The churches have apostasized from these considerations and corrections are necessary. Thank you, Rev. Bonar.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#18): Romans 1.25-27

The term "religious apostates" has now been adopted instead of the terms "secularists," "humanists" and "progressives," self-serving terms of an attempted decency when "religious apostasy" defines all those in the City of Man (Augustine's term). Once finished with 1.18-32, the proposal is made to make a lengthy detour from Prof. Murray to survey the "pile-up" of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs and participles in 1.18-32. Prof. Murray is doing an excellent job, but the section warrants a lengthy side-trip and detour for a while. Again, since all are inescapably religious, the elect are saved and worship aright while all others are "religious apostates" serving their varied idols ("above God").

John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#21): Luke 1.73-80

Zacharias' Benedictus (1.68-80) is finished under and by divine providence and inspiring control. God is the active agents in all the verbs and infinitives in this section. The theocentric cast cannot be lost. It's right there in the text. Predictive prophecy describes the future of his son, John the Baptist. In the next few videos, the geneaologies of Christ's patrimonial and matrimonial lineages are addressed with Calvin working synoptically.

Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#25): Peter Marshall...

Yep. Dr. Marshall identifies the crypto-Arminians infiltrating the Elizabethan Calvinistic consensus. Same names too: Baro, del Corro, John Overall, Peter Baro, and our good friend, Lanny Andrewes. Bess 1 liked Lanny's preaching and Lanny was overtly attacking God, God's Canon and God's Word in Romans, to wit, Reformed Theology, inter alia, as a big head. Bess 1 did nothing. Good for target practice. Alleluia for the Synod of Dordt, but some Anglicoes, like Billy Laud, choked like dogs on chicken bones. Billy, as well as the bizarre and outre Hooker, were not Calvins or Bezas. Hooker is a Shifty. "Fire when ready Gridley. Divine providence has given us time for rifle practice on the shooting range."

Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#24): Westminster Shorter Catechism...

What good are theological liberals? Answer: They make for easy targets and God's elect can have target-practice. God's "eternal providence" ensures that libboes are waltzing across our horizon. "Fire at will, Gridley." Paul promised that troublers would arise in the church to strengthen His Elders and Churches. How? But, giving the Churches ample opportunities to have "target practice." To sharpen the aim. "C'mon in Rudie Bultmann! C'mon in Eichorn. We need to practice our shooting." Alleluia for God's infallible decrees.

Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#25): Anglican Confusions--He...

Do not listen to this video. Bishop Fitz Allison does a nice job of summarizing the bull of George Bull. Bull is an Anglican (Bishop of St. David's) who is a Romanist and Arminian in soteriology. Even the French clergy thought Bull's bull made him a Romanist. One French Romanist scholar wrote that Bull's bull was convincing enough that the Bull should join Rome. Yet, many Anglicoes with the befoggin fog of the English Channel between the ears...some clucks like Bull's bull. Why? He could say the BCP without the book and yet hide his bull behind it. Yep, true then like today. We're muscling along and through the confusions and conflictions in the Anglican mind of the 17th century. Fortunately, good men like Bishop Morley of Winchester took Bull on--mano a mano. Morley smelled this bull 1000 yards out and upwind too. Don't waste your time on this bull.

Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#16): Ch 2--God & the Holy ...

Whoa! God's decrees! Stunning (again)! The capacious home in Princeton, NJ, adjacent to Princeton Seminary, was the domicile/home of Charles Hodge, A.A. Hodge and B.B. Warfield. The "grand thoughts" that occurred within that structure and within those walls by these divines come down to us today in 2020. Let the old lights shine anew!

Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#7): Primal Revelation (E...

Is Dr. Bruggeman sweeping the Graf-Wellhausians off the field? Too early to tell, but curious. I doubt it, but we'll see. They're getting no play or mention in this volume. Following Brevard Child's "canonical consciousness?"

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#15): Historical Roots of the Cultur...

Prof. Hunter is explaining many forces at work in the devolution and entrance into the deep abyss of relativism, nihilism, narcissism and immorality in the USA. The moral realignment of socio-theological forces has been on-going with the "effects" of it since the post-WW 11 era. As a sociologist, Prof. Hunter is getting many things right, albeit the vocabulary here-and-there is problematic, e.g. "humanists" who are "dehumanists" as baby-killers. "Secularism" is also a polite euphemism for those who viciously and continually break the First Commandment. "God-haters" vis a vis Romans 8.7 is more like it. "Syncretism" and "relativism" are the orders of the day. And given the narcissism, the Canon and Biblical authority are lost in the indifference and ignorance. Turn up the music, dudes and dudettes!

"Thomas Cranmer:" Jasper Ridley (#27): Early Reforms (chapter 6)

Cromwell is promoted to "Vice Regent" of spiritual affairs, thus, diminishing Dr. Cranmer's role as Henry's theological voice. Perceived Lutheranism? Dr. Cranmer is keen to this loss of authority as are others in the courtly public. John Lambert gets varied hearings at Lambeth on the invocatio sanctorum. The examiners--Cranmer, Latimer and Shaxton--agree that invocation of departed saints is "not" in the Bible, a step forward. The reformers are still stirring at OXBRIDGE and elsewhere. John Lambert, more theologian than courtly theologian, an advanced Reformer, gets visibility at court. (Meanwhile, eyes are on Tyndale on the Continent.) The reactionary Romanists are giving visibility to the reformers (again). By the time the Articles of Religion are hegemonized over English clergy, invocation of saints will be robustly denied. Christ alone is our only Advocate and Mediator, a phrase used often in the BCP, thankfully and instructively.

Thirty-Nine Articles: W.H.G. Thomas (# 24): Artice 2--Of the Word or So...


Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#11): Persecutions in 2nd Century (...


Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#6): "Confutation of Unwritten Ve...


Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#11): "Canon" (ch.3)--Hit 'Em Ag...


Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#12): The Canon of Holy Scriptur...

A tour of the "de-canonizers," that is, the "destructive Vandals," e.g Eichorn, Semler, Spinoza and others, is given. As one surveys these Vandals, one can see God withdrawing His presence and power, judicially ordered, with the subsequent darkness that is seen in the European and American seminaries of the libboe tradition. Sad, even scary. Fidelity is the order of the day. Prof. Allison rallies to Brevard Childs' "canonical consciousness," although Childs is hardly novel in this respect. Same goes for Bruggester. Novel, yes, to the "modern scholarly guild," but not to the historic, catholic, holy, Protestant and Reformed Church. We are learning nothing new by this new direction--other than that it is the affirmation, thankfully, of the old orientation. "Canon" means "Cannon." Time to turn the "Cannons" (198 Howitzers...this scribe served in a Marine Artillery Unit, 1/10, 2nd MARDIV) on the "Vandals." ...

hurch History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (# 26): Fables or Sound Doctrine (ch.8)


New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 26): NT Canon

The research of Clement of Alexandria and Origen carry weight on the question. Marcion and Montanus, then, and just like today, have continuing significance. They illustrate the liberal-Gestapoists (e.g. Episcopal seminaries) and the Pentecostal enthusiasts. More could be said. Next time, Eusebius, the scholar-Bishop of Caesarea, will be examined.

Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#26): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther

Biography of Nehemiah, possible a scholarly priest and definitely a Field General with command presence, influence and leadership. Called Governor Nehemiah. A "Puritan," if you will. He also cleaned up crummy leadership under his command. Cleaned house. Got rid of the libboes. Wide personnel changes, while disruptive, are essential in the recovery of many American seminaries.

Dr. Everhard: Love God with All Your Mind (#1)--Introduction


History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#7)--Chapter 3: Zwingli ...

By 1522, "sola Scriptura" is emerging for Zwingli and fellow Romish priests in the Swiss canton including Zurich, still under the Bishop of Constance. Zwingli and the priests are getting on the same page. The plot is thickening and the tensions are rising, including Zwingli's marriage. However, the Bishop of Constance was taking "payments as fines" for his priests with wives and children, a routine "money-maker" for the Bishop. But, will the priests stop paying the Bishop? Nevertheless, things are heating up in Zurich. Meanwhile, Dr. Cranmer, has finished his BD and is on to his doctoral studies by 1526. Luther was doing what Luther was already doing, making noise in Wittenberg. Game on! As for the English scene, ABC Warham, Cardinal Wolsey, Bishop John Fisher, Thomas More and Henry are hitting back.

John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#21): Genesis 2.18-25


Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#4): Burnt Offerings (Ch.1)--Leviticus 1.10-16


Paul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#17): Romans 1.21-27


John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#20): Luke 1.67-75


Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#24): Peter Marshall...

The unsettled nature of the Elizabethan Settlement.

Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#23): Westminster Shorter Catechism...


Fitzsimons Allison's The Rise of Moralism (#24): Anglican Confusions (Ag...

Do not listen to this video. Bishop Allison successfully shows us the soteriological confusions, conflictions and constipation of these Caroline conflaters. Unless you wish to waste time. But Cardinal Johnny Newman was smiling at these boys. On to better preoccupations. Someone must just hurl this into the trash can, although, on principle, he generally does not do that. But this stuff is that bad. Romanistic in Anglicoe-garb, hiding in the bushes.

Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#15): Ch 2--God & the Holy ...


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#6): Primal Revelation (E...

"SGT-of-the-Guard: Put Walt in the trash can and take the trash can to the curb. That will be all." 3-4 gross mistakes and misstatements are evident on every page. It is insufferable. He's a Barthian as previously surmised. He's German Reformed of a Barthian type with whiffs of muted, but still strong arrogance. Who can abide it? This book is unacceptable (like that other German puff-cat, Rudie Bultmann, fortunately, now dead and lying in a Marburg Cemetery.) "SGT-of-the-Guard: Make it fast. Get Booger Bruggster outta here. Same for the UCC-losers." NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL.

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#14): Anatomy of Cultural Conflict (...


"Thomas Cranmer:" Jasper Ridley (#26): Early Reforms (chapter 6)

"Whoa moments" abound in this chapter: (1) the early English Lutheran and Tyndalian, George Joye, has communications with Dr. Cranmer, (2) again, the "street reports" by Chapuy that Cranmer is a "Lutheran," (3) the visitation by Cranmer of provincial sees insisting on Royal Supremacy, (4) the extension of favors to early or advanced Reformers, opposed by some Bishops, but favored with "winks and nods" by Dr. Cranmer, (5) special protection to Hugh Latimer over the dust-up in Bristol, (6) the issuance of a preaching license to preach anywhere in England...the license to Latimer despite his reputation as a early Reformer, e.g. purgatory, pilgrimages, etc., (7) the invitation to Latimer to preach before Henry VIII during Lent, 1534, (8) the appointment of the reformer Hilsey to preach at St. Paul's Cross, London in May 1535, (9) Dr. Cranmer's "street reputation" amongst the early Reformers that Tom was in their corner, (10) the ext...

Thirty-Nine Articles: W.H.G. Thomas (# 23): "Art 1-Of the Holy Trinity/A...

Thirty-Nine Articles by W.H.G. Thomas (# 22): "Article 1--Faith in the Holy Trinity"

Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#10): Persecutions in the 2nd Centu...

The martyrdoms of Ignatius, Polycarp and Justin the Martyr are discussed. Also, comments were made about the "enlightened reign" of Marcus Aurelius, the stoic rationalist who was profoundly superstitious. The Christians were to blame for varied afflictions suffered in his reign as Mark believed.

Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#5): Biography & Dr. Cranmer's Wr...

The biographical notice was closed. A list of Dr. Cranmer's writings is given from the collections of Bale, Strype, Dr. Jekyns, the British Museum including a mysterious work published in Basel in 1559. Also, the 1582 version of the "Confutation of Unwritten Verities" (1548) is given. The latter is Dr. Cranmer's views on sola scriptura as early as 1548. Homerun after homerun by the English Reformer, representing Dr. Cranmer's views that long predated 1548. Hey, Mr. Pope in Rome, would you care to answer Dr. Cranmer? Cardinal John Newman and Tractoes, wanna answer Dr. Cranmer? Wanna retract Trent, Frank 1? Oh that's right, you're infallible. Got it. And how bout' the modern churches? Can we please get "a lot of Bible reading?" Instead of 45 minutes of silly ditties? With long-talking clerks? When will "hefty Bible-reading" be restored liturgically to divine worship? Is God talking by/in, through the Bible "boring?" ...

Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#10): "The Word of God" (ch.2)/"C...

A reasonable handling of the subjects, although he holds to the "closed canon" which may interfere with his later views of ongoing, divinely given prophecies. ??. Pending contradiction? He's a Baptacostal, after all. We're on active and passive sonar, are "up-periscope," are 8000 yards out, and have the surface target in the cross-hairs. We follow along quietly.

Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#11): The Canon of Holy Scriptur...

The issue of the canon was discussed including the Reformed, Reformed Confessions, and the Council of Trent from the false church. Gloriously, the importance of Semitic/Hebrew and Greek studies was put forward. In the next section, the subject of the canon in the modern period will be discussed, including the Gnosticizing libboes and the modern Marcionites, Montanists and others to mention a few including libbo Lutherans and libboe Piskies.

hurch History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (# 25): Fables or Sound Doctrine (ch.8)

Marcionism, Manicheanism, Neo-Platonism, Montanism and Monarchianism were reviewed. Clearly, St. Augustine never was "freed" from his errors about marriage inherited and unchecked from his Manichean and Neo-Platonic days. That he was "uncorrected" on these errors by others shows that error existed and was tolerated in the 4th century on these matters. But, to his credit, Augustine says (repeatedly) that his own views were subordinate to and to be corrected by the canonical Scriptures. Consider yourself, Augustine, to be corrected thereby and herein. We adopt with you, Augustine, your view of sola scriptura so illustriously evinced in your writings. A good interpreter but not sinless and not infallible. Said to include not only Augustine but the Men of Sin in the Roman see.

New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 25): NT Canon

The canonical issues of the collection of Paul's epistles and the four Gospels is discussed. As Dr. Richard Gaffin often and rightly noted, such were canonical when written, God being the Canon and Author, God creating, saving and shaping the Church (not the reverse).

Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#25): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther

The various dates of Ezra and Nehemiah are discussed. In the next several sessions, Nehemiah will be under review. Dr. Carl Amerding's views are considered.

History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#6)--Chapter 2: Zwingli'...

Zwingli's Erasmian study and devotion to the Scriptures will lead to the obvious: the interrogation of Papal doctrines including the vexed rain-maker and money-maker, indulgences. In this context, the sufficiency of Christ's work and merits emerges in Zwingli's preachings. Further, he begins expository work on St. Matthew's Gospel, armed with his Greek NT and historical studies. Zwingli was at this alongside of, not because of, Luther, an under-reported and under-appreciated fact. Zwingli was a Bible-man like Augustine, Chrysostom and Venerable Bede. The monastics will heat up against Zwingli. And so it goes, then, like now.

Character Sketches (#15): "Responsibility:" Otters & Moses (Ex.18)

Not recommended. Excellent descriptions of animal life, again. A+. But, the exposition of Moses and Jethro is a wax-nose misshapen to fit Bill Gothard's legalisms. Being charitable, D- must be the grade. No systematic theology, no evidence of work in the languages, no covenant of grace, no exposition of the attributes of God, no Confessions, no BCP and manifold other failures. This exposition of Exodus 18 is entirely unworkable. Veitch v. Gothard is hearing the evidence pro and con. Again, the exposition of varied animal creatures and their patterns of life is exquisite and illustrative of God's 10 billion PhDs in science and architecture (a grand understatement). Bill's Bible work, however, is poor.

John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#20): Genesis 2.15-25

Further descriptions of life in Eden, including an abundance of food and plant life, as divine goodness, and the creation of Eve so that man and woman could live conjugally and socially, as team-mates. Good to sit in Calvin's study and hear his lectures.

Leviticus: Andrew Bonar (#3): Burnt Offerings (Ch.1)


Paul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#16): Romans 1.18-23

Not Prof. Murray's finest moment. The section could have been handled more fully and clearly. Not happy here, His work in the Greek, at this point, is unsatisfying. And too verbose when simpler sentences could have been used. C+. We soldier on.

John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#19): Luke 1.51-66


Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#23): Peter Marshal:...

he Elizabethan Settlement: Act of Supremacy and Uniformity, the Prayer Book, the Injunctions, the Book of Homilies, the Articles of Religion and, perhaps, Bishop John Jewel's Apology for the Church of England. This was an almost unprecedented concentration of doctrinal, liturgical and politic-ecclesial power. However, few believed it was the "final" step or steps toward further reforms, step by step, yet with no end in view. Elizabeth 1, the 25-year old theologian, has other views in mind.

Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#22): Westminster Shorter Catechism...

MUSING: Is this the best book read in 10 years? UPSHOT: just perhaps. Simple, confessional, catechetical, Biblical and practical.

Fitzsimons Allison's "The Rise of Moralism" (#23): Anglican Confusions--...

Herbert Thorndike, Canon of Westminster Abbey, rejects the Reformed and Reformation doctrine of justification by faith alone. When the dust settles from this serious dust-up, he's worse than an Arminian; he denies particular atonement and abhors predestination. He abhors effectual and indefectible grace. This is an effect of the disastrous failure to codify the Synod of Dordt. Bishop Fitzsimons Allison will call this "soteriological impairment" and "soteriological impoverishment." These are understatements. We call it outright hatred of God's sovereignty. The man was not fit for leadership. But, John Henry Newman and his crew of Tractarian termites liked Thorndike. Welcome to merry ole England.

Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#14): Ch 2--God & the Holy ...


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#5): Primal Disclosure (c...

Some peculiarities, odd whiffs, strange statements, tensions and yet some good statements. Puzzling, but no where near our goodly Professor John Calvin, that judicious, scholarly and pious Churchman. We're circling with eagles' eyes for aerial observation of the lay of the land. Genesis was just dismissed, most bizarrely. God, we beseech Thee, raise up future Robert Dick Wilsons, W.H. Greens, Oswald Allis,' Gleason Archers and Roland Harrisons.

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#13): "Anatomy of the Cultural Confl...

A comparison/contrast of larger themes of societal changes and forces between the first half and last half of the 20th century is/has beee ordered up. The first half had forces such as World War 1, the Depression and World War 11. The last half of the 20th century has/had the outworkings of major social changes, e.g. sexual revolution, Vietnam War, rising relativism, rising nihilism, abortion, theological liberalism (useless yahoos), the shift from an industry-oriented nation to a knowlege-info-based industry and more. Where is the USA? National idealism and "exceptionalism?" A country that has murdered millions of infants? Hardly. Prof. Hunter has been and is a useful leader in the discussion; thanksgiving is offered for his work and insights, albeit a sociologist rather than theologian. His point of view is heard, but the theological hermeneutic is not suspended for the academy, not now nor ever, world without end. Why? God's character, end of story. Semper Fidelis ad ...

Thirty-Nine Articles by W.H.G. Thomas (# 22): "Article 1--Faith in the H...


Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#9): Persecutions in the 2nd Centur...

Pliny, Trajan and Ignatius are introduced. We labor with Job's story at Morning and Evening Prayer. We confess WCF 5. We see Ignatius, the "God-bearer" as he calls himself, headed to Rome for the entertainment of the pagans in the Roman Coliseum. The malice and giddy delights of the Devil are seen operating in the murderous intents, choices and desires of the ungodly. Our people, God's elect, are "targets" in demonic energies, however, Jesus in omnipotent and sovereign over that wicked Devil and his crew. We'll finish the story of Ignatius. Tertullian: "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."

Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#4): Biography & Dr. Cranmer's Wr...

An overview of the final years of Dr. Cranmer are given. Wily Winchester is out of jail (and he'll have attitude-issues) and Tom goes to jail in the Tower and, later, off to Oxford with Ridley and Latimer. As it happens, Job is being read at Morning and Evening Prayers. As it happens, of course, "or just sorta happens" (not!), God was infallible providential through these "burning times." In all this, the unutterable depravity of the Devil's Queen, King and bishops is on full view. We're approaching the actual writings of Tom, finally, approaching the end of the biographical notice. We use Tom at Morning and Evening Prayer, although the Bible, rightly and omnipotently, overshadows all.

Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#9): "The Word of God" (ch.2)

A brilliant, accessible and potent paragraph on "God's Word in Written Form" is given. Unfortunately, he reflects no sensibility on WCF 1. Most fortunately, Prof. Grudem captures the senses of God's Word: its reliability, permanence (against fluctuations of oral transmission) and accessibility for future generations. He most rightly defends the "Word of God" albeit human words (a frequent bug-bear for libboes). Prof. Grudem frequently affirms God's Words in human form to rebut the libboes. We would have wished for an emphasis on the "omnipotence and efficacy" of God's Word in the sphere of effectual calling of the elect to the one communion and fellowship of the saints in the historic communion and body of the Church, united to Christ since Adam until the Second Advent. While Prof. Grudem is spot-on, this aspect of the omnipotence of God's Words was not on offer. We soldier on, most thankful of what Prof. Grudem is presenting.

Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#10): The Canon of Holy Scriptur...

The history of the canon from Jerome onwards was discussed including Athanasius' Festal Letter of 367, varied Carthage councils, Jerome's canon and comments on the Apocrypha (v. Augustine), the medieval views and the developments in the Reformation and post-Reformation period. An helpful commentary. Accessible, clearly written and nicely footnoted.

Church History: Dr. Earle E. Cairns (# 24): Christ or Caesar (ch.7)/Fabl...

Irenaeus serves up some "fried Gnostics." He "roasts" them and feeds them to the dogs. He is an example to us moderns of the need to be vigilant and alert re: philosophical infiltrations to theology. Of interest, correlatively, but not mentioned by Prof. Cairns, is the canonical matters that emerge thanks to Marcion and his crew. Dr. Michael Kruger's work, "NT Canon Revisited," is a modern volume of serious scholarship on the canon.

New Testament Introduction: Dr. Everett F. Harrison (# 24): NT Canon


Old Testament Introduction: Dr. Gleason Archer (#24): Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther

The thesis of Ezra's authorship of the Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah continues to argued. Arguments are underway in this evidentiary trial. There is a warmth, beauty and devotion even in the genealogical lists, e.g. 1 Chronicles 1-9. What? Even in the geneaological lists too? Yes, a warmth and devotion there too.

History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill (#5)--Chapter 2: Zwingli'...


Paul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#15): Romans 1.18-23

wo tracks of daily, operative workings of God. These operations are daily and universal and extend back to Eden, include the present, and will unfold in the future. The tenses do the talking. "Is being revealed" we believe is better than "is revealed," as if it were a completed task. No, it is an on-going revelation of the omnipotence of God in two directions. First, 1. 17: δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται. Secondly, 1.18: Ἀποκαλύπτεται γὰρ ὀργὴ θεοῦ. This controls the entire epistle to 11.36.

Character Sketches (#14): "Responsibility:" Otters & Moses (Ex.18)

Veitch v. Character Sketches will be filed in the local, federal, theological court. More as that case unfolds. Veitch has filed today. Discovery will be forthcoming. aul's Epistle to the Romans: John Murray (#14): Romans 1.16-17

Leviticus: Andrew Bonar: Nature of the Book & Burnt Offerings

The "Gospel" and "Evangelical Message" of Leviticus is propounded. The book magnifies God's habitation in the Church by condescending to humans with His Gospel. Worshipers come to His presence by admission to the Tabernacle-area with their offering. The Presence of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost meet the offerer with his substitutionary offering, the great Type of the Anti-Type to come..."The Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world (elect in the nations)." Leviticus shows the love, holiness, grace and omnipotence of God and also is the "Atonement Book."

Criminal Law, Perkins & Boyce (#3): Law of Homocide, pp.54ff: Place & Ti...

"Justifiable/excusable" and "criminal" homocides were distinguished. The issue of "malice aforethought" was broached. "Malice," as a matter of law, need not imply ill-will, grudges, or hatred as understood popularly, but may include compassionate mercy-killings, e.g. euthanasia. Was Dr. Cranmer criminally culpable in the deaths of Elizabeth Barton, John Frith, Anne Askew, and/or John Lambert? Or, were these "justifiable" homocides? Or, Queen Mary 1 and the reprobatish King Philip 11? Or, abortions?

John Calvin: New Testament Volume 1 (#18): Luke 1.48-55

Bishop Calvin continues his humble, judicious insights on the divinely inspired words of the Virgin Mary, Mary exalts God and His covenant mercies, not herself as the corrupt, clerical, Roman pagans do. We invite Romanists to join the "True Catholic Church" (not the sect of Rome).

John Calvin: Commentary on Genesis (#19): Genesis 2.9-15

Bishop Calvin gets into the weeds on the rivers and the garden of Eden. Allegedly, it appears that he had a map--that is, Calvin doing geography. Further, this map appears in English and French translations of this commentary. The Bishop also engages with other geographers: Strabo, Pliny and others. An amazing set of judicious comments by our godly and scholarly Bishop (a real Bishop).

Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol.1: Reformation, (#22): Peter Marshal:...

The Elizabethan Settlement is under review. The sturdy, Romanist, and Marian episcopal bishops resigned "en masse" in November 1558, although none were burned at the stake. How and why does this flip-flopping Parliament go one-way-then-another? They flip around like a beached mud-cat just reeled in from a fishing trip. Flip-floppers. These are the elites that are flipping around, not the commoners. It's about power and competing ideals and visions for the future. Elizabeth 1 is 25 years old at her accession, a relative youngster.

Thomas Watson: "A Body of Divinity" (#21): Westminster Shorter Catechism...

Good, clean, cold water with a good, lovely, cool breeze on a warm evening. Especially good to read on WSC 4 after the awful tediums and erros of the Caroline manglicans, muddlers and mixers. On the contrary, Prof. Watson is clear-headed, simple, practical and yet sacrifices no profundities.

Fitzsimons Allison's "The Rise of Moralism" (#22): Anglican Confusions (...

Good LORD, deliver us, we most heartily beseech Thee....deliver us from these Caroline, Arminian, Crypto-Papist, Rock-Headed, Manglican muddlers, mixers, moralizers and confusionists like Jeremy Taylor and Henry Hammond. They're muddlers in the mud! Good LORD, deliver us! Bishop Allison is doing a good job of convicting these men of self-deceit, deception and confusion. "SGT-of-the-Guard: escort Mr. Hammond to the theological brig. Give 'em a cell next to Mr. Taylor. That will be all."

Westminster Confession of Faith: A.A. Hodge (#13): Ch 1--Holy Scripture/...


Old Testament Theology: Dr. Walter Bruggemann (#4): Introduction to the ...

Prof. Bruggemann introduces Prof. Brevard Childs and the latter's interest in a "canonical reading" of the OT over the "destructive" (our word) vandalism and dominance of concern with the pre-history of the text, e.g. the "deviant dissectionists" (Dr. Archer's term) for the Graf-Wellhausen hegemonists and elitists. God willing, in time, we'll survey Brevard Childs' work. But, we are on "passive sonar" and "rigged for ultra quiet" with the "up periscope" mode.

Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#12): "Anatomy of the Cultural Confl...

A most interesting set of comments are made about "elites" and "intellectuals" in the shaping of public culture--media, academics, politicians, law schools, seminaries and more. The average American doesn't get much of a say other than voting. He or she is busy running their private lives with little voice to shape the public discourse. Christian "elites" and "intellectuals," we would argue, in the media, academy, government, law schools and seminaries must give voice to God's Word to all spheres of life. To his credit, Prof. Hunter does claim that every "system of thought" is religious at its root, irrespective of the name. Yet, as an aside, was Prof. Hunter's editor, we continue to "x out by black ink" the terms he continues to use: "secularism," "progressivism" and "humanism," as if there are facts in the universe apart from God. Phewey on that crummy theology!

"Thomas Cranmer:" Jaspar Ridley (#24): Royal Supremacy (ch.5)/Early Refo...

Dr. Cranmer is on the road, 1534-1535, visiting the dioceses of his Province (Rochester, Gloucester, Leicester, Worcester), advancing the story of the Royal Supremacy. Most curiously and interestingly, there appears to be some Lutherans in Cranmer's retinue. Steve Gardiner, AKA Wily Winchester, Bishop of Winchester since 1531, is unamused and unhappy with Cranmer's visitation to Winchester. More as that emerges. Questions: (1) How did the Lutherans get into Cranmer's retinue? They liked Cranmer's sermons out west in Gloucester. What other Cathedrals did Tom visit? (2) How big was the Lambeth staff and retinue? (3) Did Dr. Cranmer participate in the Latin's Masses and Evensong, or, other services of the daily rounds, in the Cathedrals? Presumably and expectedly, we'd venture a "Yes" to the question. (4) Why does Cranmer use the title of the "Papal Legate" while he has repudiated that thrice in his consecration oath at Westminster Abbey in...

Thirty-Nine Articles by W.H.G. Thomas (# 21): "Article 1--Faith in the H...


The Story of Christianity: Dr. Gonzalez (#8): Conflicts with State (ch.5)

Nero and Domitian are discussed including persecutions of Christians. Tacitus, the historian, offers his insights. The "law of homocide" continues to have an interest in relation to murderers in history. As an aside, per a note from Tacitus, the church at Rome appears to be in existence in 51 AD, 7 years before Paul's "Epistle to the Romans." The origins of the Roman church is still pending, although a few ideas exist about that.