Systematic Theology: Dr. Wayne Grudem (#9): "The Word of God" (ch.2)
A brilliant, accessible and potent paragraph on "God's Word in Written Form" is given. Unfortunately, he reflects no sensibility on WCF 1. Most fortunately, Prof. Grudem captures the senses of God's Word: its reliability, permanence (against fluctuations of oral transmission) and accessibility for future generations. He most rightly defends the "Word of God" albeit human words (a frequent bug-bear for libboes). Prof. Grudem frequently affirms God's Words in human form to rebut the libboes. We would have wished for an emphasis on the "omnipotence and efficacy" of God's Word in the sphere of effectual calling of the elect to the one communion and fellowship of the saints in the historic communion and body of the Church, united to Christ since Adam until the Second Advent. While Prof. Grudem is spot-on, this aspect of the omnipotence of God's Words was not on offer. We soldier on, most thankful of what Prof. Grudem is presenting.
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