"Thomas Cranmer:" Jaspar Ridley (#24): Royal Supremacy (ch.5)/Early Refo...

Dr. Cranmer is on the road, 1534-1535, visiting the dioceses of his Province (Rochester, Gloucester, Leicester, Worcester), advancing the story of the Royal Supremacy. Most curiously and interestingly, there appears to be some Lutherans in Cranmer's retinue.

Steve Gardiner, AKA Wily Winchester, Bishop of Winchester since 1531, is unamused and unhappy with Cranmer's visitation to Winchester. More as that emerges.

Questions: (1) How did the Lutherans get into Cranmer's retinue? They liked Cranmer's sermons out west in Gloucester. What other Cathedrals did Tom visit? (2) How big was the Lambeth staff and retinue? (3) Did Dr. Cranmer participate in the Latin's Masses and Evensong, or, other services of the daily rounds, in the Cathedrals? Presumably and expectedly, we'd venture a "Yes" to the question. (4) Why does Cranmer use the title of the "Papal Legate" while he has repudiated that thrice in his consecration oath at Westminster Abbey in 1533 and while Henry has ousted Papal jurisdiction? Ironical? Political effort at pacification? (5) Is Dr. Cranmer doing any scholarly work while all these ecclesiasto-political pre-occupations are on-going? Poor fella should have remained at Cambridge doing scholarly work, but he had no choice. Henry hired Tom and that was that.


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