Historical Theology: Dr. Gregg Allison (#12): The Canon of Holy Scriptur...
A tour of the "de-canonizers," that is, the "destructive Vandals," e.g Eichorn, Semler, Spinoza and others, is given. As one surveys these Vandals, one can see God withdrawing His presence and power, judicially ordered, with the subsequent darkness that is seen in the European and American seminaries of the libboe tradition. Sad, even scary. Fidelity is the order of the day. Prof. Allison rallies to Brevard Childs' "canonical consciousness," although Childs is hardly novel in this respect. Same goes for Bruggester. Novel, yes, to the "modern scholarly guild," but not to the historic, catholic, holy, Protestant and Reformed Church. We are learning nothing new by this new direction--other than that it is the affirmation, thankfully, of the old orientation. "Canon" means "Cannon." Time to turn the "Cannons" (198 Howitzers...this scribe served in a Marine Artillery Unit, 1/10, 2nd MARDIV) on the "Vandals." Marines, fire at will! Boom! The decanonizing "Vandals" are just Marcionites, Gnostics, and Montanists with new names.
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